1:The Fam Damily

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I walked of the plane, computer bag on one shoulder and soccer bag in the other. I grabbed my case from the pick up area and walked towards the meeting are. There was a young girl holding up a sign that said 'Carter'. Once she saw me she ran up and gave me a huge hug.

"Hello sweetheart. I'm Anne," she said with her british accent. She didn't look to old at all. To me she looked 20. But she has an 18 year old son. I found this odd.

"I'm Carter," I said smiling at her. She took my suit case and helped me wheel it out.

"Your American accent so cute!" She said walking beside me.

"I love yours. I wish I was british," I joked. She laughed along and strolled right to her car. It was very nice! She put my case in the back and hopped into the driver seat. She started the car and took off towards I guess..home.

"How was your flight?" She asked.

"Umm. Alright I suppose. People were nice. The thing that threw me off was a man sitting in the row next to me wearing no pants," I said putting one head phone in my ear.

"That's crazy! Why didn't he have pants?"

"He was telling the people he was American so he could do what he wanted," I replied. She laughed and stopped when she saw what kind of phone I had. She pulled off the next exit and stopped at a Verizon store. "What are we doing here?"

"You need a new phone. You can't have that when we travel," she said getting out.

"No Anne. It's okay! I like this phone. I barley use it! It's really okay!" I said trying to get her to stop.

"Oh no. I'm not having it," she said walking in. I waited a few minutes and walked in with her. She already had a bag in hand and a white IPhone in the other. She thanked the man an handed me the phone. "I already put a few numbers in. Mine, Gemma, and Harry's."

"Thanks Anne. But this is a lot," I said looking at the nice phone.

"To us, it was nothing. Now get in. You have to meet the rest of the family and you have to get unpacked," she said getting back into the car. We drove for another 15 minutes an finally reached her house. There were two EXTREMELY nice cars parked outside. She helped me once more with my bags and walked inside. I came to find a man, a teenage boy, and a girl.

"Hello everyone," Anne said stumbling through the door. "This is Carter. Carter. This is my husband Robin. And these are my two children. Harry and Gemma," she said introducing us. I was caught off guard by the breath taking hug Robin gave me. Harry hugged me next then Gemma.

"Nice to meet you," Harry said giving me a smile. I swear I have seen him before. No I couldn't have. I'm from America. He's from London.

"Harry dear. Could you help Carter with her bags. I would have Gemma do it but she has to go," Anne said handing the bags to Harry. He took them with a smile and a nod and trotted up the stairs. I followed after, not as fast though. I walked into a blue room with a twin bed in the corner. There was a desk where my computer would go and a TV with a gaming system close to a brown closet. There happened to be a mattress up against a wall as well. Harry set down my suit case and smiled at me.

"So this is your room. Used to mine actually," he said crashing on the bed playing with a ball.

"It's nice," I said complementing it. He smirked at stood up.

"Your very quite," he said dropping the ball.

"Sorry. I'm not too go with meeting new people," I said sitting on the twirly chair at the desk.

"What do you like to do?" He asked starting a conversation.

"I like to draw. Play soccer. And make music on my computer." He jumped up at the sound of music.

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