4: Wake Up

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"Are you going to eat Carter?" Shi asked as I just sat there looking at my food.

"I'm...actually not hungry," I said pushing the plate away.

"Are you alright?" Harry whispered.

"No," I said shaking my head. The truth was, I was actually just peachy. I just wasn't hungry.

"Here. Niall and I will drive you back. Is that alright?" He asked.

"Yeah. Shi do you want to stay or go?" I asked.

"I'll meet you back at the house. I don't think Hazen will want to be left alone," Shi said gazing every so often to Liam.

"I'll just meet you back at the house then. Thank you for dinner everyone," I said and got up. Harry trotted alone behind me as Niall was in front.

"Harry.. They found us," Niall said stopping is before the front door.

"Carter stay close to me. Keep your head down and down pay attention to any of them alright?" Harry said wrapping his arm around me. I nodded and folded my arms. Harry's grip was tight as he held me close to him. I put my head down and followed Niall. He grabbed my hand and led me through the blinding lights and screaming girls.

"Who is the new girl?"

"Are you dating Niall?"

"Is that your girlfriend?"

Is this really what they want to know? If they have a girlfriend or not?

"Get in front Carter," Harry said opening my door. I nodded and hopped in front. Harry took the drivers seat as Niall took the back. Soon enough we were on the road.

"Does that always happen?" I asked as they drove.

"Almost. Sometimes we get lucky," Niall answered.

"Does it get annoying?" I asked.

"Sometimes. If we're ever in a rush then yeah. But if we have spare time, it's alright."

"How's it like to me famous?" I felt like it was 20 questions for them.

"It's different. I'm still not use to the embarrassing photos online," Harry laughed.

"About that..what the heck is Larry Stylinson?" Harry sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"That's what people call Harry's and Louis' bromance name. People take it very seriously," Niall laughed.

"Who came up with the name One Direction?"

"I did," Harry smiled.

"What place did you come in on the X Factor?"

"3rd," Niall replied.

"Who is-"

"Enough about us. I want to get to know you," Harry said stopping me.

"Well what do you want to know?" I asked.

"Who's your favorite band?"

"Easy. Coldplay!" I said.

"Favorite song?"

"By them? Fix You. But my favorite song right now is Ed Sheeran's Give Me Love." These were basic questions. I thought they knew this.

"What's Utah like?"

"Hot in the summer. Very snowy in the winter. Best place to snowboard," I replied. "Man I'm gonna miss snowboarding."

"I snowboard. We can just go together!" Niall said finally stepping in.

"That would be awesome!" I replied.

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