Takes Time

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Harry's POV

"Where is she?" I said bursting through the doors of the hospital. Louis was the first one out of his seat, worry in his eyes. "I said Where. Is. She?"

"She's been back there for over an hour now," Zayn spoke. Out of all, Liam was the one who was freaking out the most. His face was red, showing he has been crying for some time now. 

"What happened?" I asked walking to the group. A man stood up, facing me. 

"She must have pushed herself to far in the gym. I came in, and she was out cold," he said. 

"And who are you?"

"I'm Zakk," He replied. How did he know Carter? And why was he even here. 

The doctor came out making us all shoot up out of our seats. His face was white, showing something was wrong. "Here for Carter?" I took my stand and walked to show that I was her family.

"How is she?" I asked studding his face. 

"She has Arsenic in her system," he replied. 

"What's that?" Niall questioned. 

"It's a very dangerous. It can really do damage to her body. If she wasn't brought in when you had brought her, she would have been gone," he replied. He scratced his head and went over his notes, flipping through his clip board. "She hasn't woken up since the chemical left her system."

"Wh-What does that mean?" I asked. 

It was silent before he exhaled loudly. "We don't know." I stumbled back at the news. Falling to the chair behind me. "You may see once we find out what will happen for now. But we have to keep her over night. You can go home and rest and we can call you once we find something?" 

I sat there totally shocked. What does this all mean? I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave her alone. I don't- "Mate it's probably the best if we just go and get some rest. We will come back first thing tomorrow," Louis said cutting off my thoughts.

"We will call. I'm really sorry," The doctor nodded and went back to the patients. 

"C'mon. Let's go Harry." And with that, we all got up and left. 


"Harry. Please come out," I heard Louis' voice say from behind the door. "You have been locked in there for over two hours now. Please come out." The water hit my curls, making them fall in front of my face. I didn't want to leave the shower till I knew Carter was alright. Knowing she's hurt is killing me inside. 

I feel as if I failed her. I feel like I wasn't there for her enough. Like her world is crumbling in te palms of my hands. I'm sorry Carter. I failed. 

"He's not coming out," I heard Louis mumble. 

"Harry please open up," I heard Niall say. "We really need to talk." And with that, I hopped out. I pulled on my pants and tried to dry my curls as best as I could. 

"Harry what's wrong? I have never seen you like this," Louis said walking into my room. I sat on the chair closest to the window, watching the rain hit the window. What can I do? What's the point of fighting this guy? Have we lost?

"Harry she's going to be alright. I promise," Niall said. "I'm scared too."

"What if she's not okay? What if she's gone for good?" I said trying to hold back the tears. Don't cry Harry. Don't. Cry. 

"Don't think like that! She's gonna be okay!" Louis yelled. 

I stood quiet for a moment. "What if we can't do anything else? We know how that stuff got into her things. The stupid idiot put it in there. He doesn't want her alive."

"We will do everything we can to keep her safe," Liam added. "If it means risking our lives for someone we care about and for someone we love. Then that's what it takes." 

I was about to say something when I saw a blinking green light come from the closet. I went and opened it to find a speaker hidden behind the boxes. 

"What's up Harry?" Niall asked. I quickley put my hand over his mouth, pointing towards the object. I mouthed the word speaker to them, making them watch what they say. 

"I think we should just turn her over," I said sarcastically. Soon everyone caught on to what I was saying. 

"It may be what's safe for her," Liam added. As soon as he said that, the green speacker turned off making it safe for us to talk. I ripped it out of the closet and threw it to the ground. 

"I have a plan," I said growing a smile across my face."


"Is she okay?" Louis asked walking into the hospital room. 

"Still hasn't woken up," I replied taking the drink from Louis' hands. He took a seat on the side of Carter, taking her hand in his. "Do you think Liam and Zayn can get the box?"

"I hope so. Niall's gonna keep me posted on the process. He said they have made it into the house but that was over an hour ago. I'm getting worried." I nodded, knowing that this plan was dangerous. There was a box taken from my moms house. I knew it had something that could help us with this situtation. It's also the reason he started coming after Carter. There is something in there. 

"They got everything out of her system," I said breaking the silence. Louis smiled but didn't say anything. 

"What do you think she did to get this way?" He asked. I looked over at Carter who was still fast alseep. Her hair was short but looked perfect. She looked weak. 

"I don't know. Something she ate or something she drank," I suggested. He looked over to the counter, eyes growing wide. He got up from his seat and took the shot that was suppose to be given to her and read the lable. "What is it?"

He handed me the needle, that read: Don't Bring Her? It will get worse. -X

"What the hell?" Louis asked. I threw it in the contaminated box and faced the raging man. "Harry. What was that?"

I exhaled and sat down on the chair again. I ran my fingers through my curls before speaking. "This X guy wants me to bring Carter to Bradford. And if we don't well.. You saw."

"Why didn't you tell us Harry?" He yelled. 

"I would have! But you called about Carter so I was freaking out about that!" I yelled back. 

"We can't let him take her," he said sitting back down. I let out another sigh. 

"I know Louis," I said kind of rude. He looked up from the hem of his shirt, turning towards Carter. 

"If they have what we need in that box, he could be arrested," he stated after a long pause. 

"We need to make sure. But for right now," I started. The tears were finally coming out. I couldn't believe this was all happening. "Carter's in trouble. And I want to keep her safe." Louis got up and took a seat next to mine. He placed a hand on my back, soothing the pain I am having. 

"Harry. Carter is a strong girl. She's stubborn, annoying, and has her own way of doing things. Even if they did have her, they would give her back in ten minutes," he said trying to cheer me up. I let out a small laugh, wiping the tears that had fallen. "Seriously though, she's a strong girl. There is no way they are going to take her."

"You're right," I said looking at the sleeping beauty. "She is annoying sometimes." We both let out laughs, focusing on Carter. She was fast asleep, heart beat normal. At least we know she is safe here. As long as we're here.

"Harry," Louis said taking his phone out. "They have the box."

"When will they be here?" I asked studding his face. 

"Let's go. Carter will be alright," he said picking up his coat. We were half way down the hall when we heard a crash and a bang come from Carter's room. Oh no. 

"Where is she?" I yelled coming back into the room. The window was broken. Carter was gone. In her place was a note. 

Want her back? Bring the box back. Unopened.


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