Chapter 1: Pancakes

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Elena's POV

Dear Diary...

Something happened today that I will probably never really be able to explain or fully understand.

It's almost feels like I'm writing in this little  book for the first time again. After months of this craziness, there's finally something that feels relatively normal. I can't help imaging how my mom would react if I told her about all the things I'd done and everything I've discovered since she bought me this leather bound journal.

I uncrossed my legs, standing from the bed I laid the brown book along with the pen on the nightstand and headed downstairs, while Damon continued to sleep. He was normally up in time to do all the cooking but when he didn't come down I felt myself growing impatient. I'd made it half way through my syrup covered pancake when he came moping into the kitchen. His dark brown hair stuck up in every direction, he was average height with a strong build, his electric blue and green eyes stared back at me sluggishly,"Hey Elena, have you seen my dad's journal?" "Yeah it's on one of the shelves in the living room."

Damon's father Giuseppe Salvatore hunted vampires for years after becoming a part of the town council in 1864. His main objective was to protect the people of Mystic Falls of vampires. His hatred for them was shared with his tendency to drink bourbon and to abuse Damon and his younger brother terribly both physically and mentally. Giuseppe had been closer to Stefan than he had been in his older son before his passing. Damon didn't like talking about him much so his curiosity in his late father's journal surprised me somewhat, but only somewhat. I stayed a the table while he went to the living room. When he was around the corner I stood up suddenly feeling a strong sense of panic as my throat tightened as my stomach flipped. My bare feet slapped against the hardwood with each fast step, as I headed to the bathroom just down the hall. "Even if he didn't know about about the heretics he was friends with a witch and he eventually found about Katherine being a vampire so that's enough for me to do some digging. I could hear Damon who was either addressing me or mumbling to himself. Hey... You okay in there?" Damon asked when he noticed the silence from the kitchen. I shook my head after pulling my head away from the toilet, seeing him out of the corner of my eye as he came up behind me. He gathered my hair in his hands, holding it back as another wave of nausea hit me full force, "Maybe I should make the pancakes from now on huh?" "Mhm" I muttered leaning back against the cool wall behind me. I then realized how awful I looked, my brown hair being damp from the sweat on my neck, my cheeks were flushed.

"Not that I'm the one that should complain but don't think that's suppose to happen." Damon's voice was causal while we proceeded back to the kitchen, I could tell he was worried though. I sat across the table as he ate. "What, getting sick?" I asked shifting uncomfortably in my chair. "Yeah I mean think about this, ever since you've known me have you ever seen me spew?" After laughing quietly at his choice of words I thought for a minute, seeing I was struggling for an answer he pushed his chair back and stood from the table talking his plate to the sink. When nothing came to me I shifted so I could see him, his back was to me as he loaded the dishes. "Okay... I see your point. What about me though I mean, I'm technically dead too so why am I suddenly not immune to something so human related?" "I don't know–he smirked kissing me on the cheek–it's probably nothing. You'll be okay." As I listened to Damon's socked feet climb the steps back up to our bedroom I got the impression he was avoiding the question altogether.

The pancakes weren't the only things that made me sick, I usually love the smell of Damon's cologne called Azzaro but today even the slightest whiff of it made me want to barf. He'd felt so bad he showered for about an hour to try and get rid of the smell but when that didn't work he decided to go visit Alaric for a while. Stefan has been gone all day, he said that he had stuff to do but when Damon or I asked him about it he'd just shrug it off, and now that I think about it Stefan only comes home to sleep at night then he's gone again before Damon and I wake up. I haven't had a full conversation with him in about a week, as for Damon he's been avoiding his little brother at all cost.

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