Chapter 4: Ella Rose

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Elena's POV

"I think it was a girl." Damon looked over his shoulder at me and rolled over to face me,

"Really?" "How can you be sure?" He asked me, his voice tired and cracked.

"I can't." I shrugged sleepily.


"I had a dream about her last night." Damon told me catching me completely off guard as I lay quietly in the bed next to him. Just the night before I'd told him that I thought the baby we lost was a girl.

"Yeah... Me to." I replied turning my head to look at him.

"What did she look like?" I asked watching him carefully,

"She had my eyes and your smile..." He turned to me, his face full of grief.

"She was so beautiful." Smiling now he leaned close to kiss me. "Just like her mom." He complimented as he pulled away "She was also a handful, just like I know this guy will be." I giggled as Damon leaned down to my belly and proceeded to tell the baby or as he called him, the little monster, that he'd better wait to cause anymore trouble at least until after we'd gotten married.

"That's only in a few weeks, so after that you can cause as much trouble as you want." He encouraged happily,

"Hey!" I laughed, before playfully hitting him in the chest.

"Oh okay fine, I take that back, your buzzkill of a mom says not to have to much fun."

"Oh wow..." I jumped slightly putting my hand to my lower belly.

"What just happened?" Damon asked me, with worry in his eyes.

"You've got to feel this, give me your hand." I said taking his hand and placing it where I felt the little jolt of movement.

"Jeez Elena, are we sure this kid isn't a vampire?" He asked me with a straight unchanged expression.

"What makes you think that?" I said not being able to keep the smile off my face even though what he said kind of freaked me out a little.

"I swear it feels like he's vamping around in there." He said teasing me.

That did it, I didn't really understand why but I started laughing and Damon had to pull me up then vamp me to the bathroom,

"Man! When did my bladder become so weak?"

"Why don't you ask the little monster." I heard Damon tease as he busted out laughing on the other side of the door.

"I blame you!" I joked.

"What'd I do?" Damon shot back at me while only acting offended.

"You did this to me. I don't know how you did it but you did."

"Oh Elena, I think we both know how I-."

"Shut up Damon." I said cutting him off and laughing until my gut hurt.

Soon we were both back in bed laughing and talking about everything we needed to have done before the wedding.

"I'm just going to let Caroline handle most of it, I trust her. I just hope she'll get it all done in time." I told him.

"Well for as long as I've known Blondie there's no special occasion she can't handle." he said as he kissed my lips and then my belly.


Caroline's POV

"This is a disaster!"

"What's wrong now?" Bonnie asked me over the phone as I started pacing the floor,

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