Chapter 12: The Bed on the Left

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Elena's POV

Damon got back to the hospital at around 3:30 the next morning. I'd been sleeping off and on for hours. The doctors were constantly coming in to check on me so I was wide awake when I heard the door creak open again.

"Hey, how you feel?" He asked after kissing my lips.

"Good..." I whispered motioning to Ric who was asleep on the couch. I eventually caved when he insisted on staying the night to watch over me. "I could try to convince Jo to let you see the baby, or at least get her to give you more information." He had practically begged me.

"Ric, it's fine really just go home and get some rest. I'll be fine, we can talk more tomorrow." I encouraged,

that's when he planted himself down on the narrow couch and slid his shoes off.

"What'd you do to him?" Damon asked me jokingly as he tapped the bottom of Ric's foot with is shoe as an attempt to try and wake him.

"I tried to get him to leave." I explained.

"Hey buddy, you're off Elena duty I can take it from here." He exclaimed suddenly,

"Damon just let him sleep, come on."

"Can't a guy get some sleep around here?" Alaric mumbled as he opened his eyes seconds later.

"Sorry..." I told him as I gave Damon a disapproving glare, "we were wondering if you wanted to head home."

"Yeah... I'm gunna head out, but I'm coming back tomorrow to check up on you." He assured me.

"We'll talk later about the breaking and entering to buddy." Damon muttered before playfully punching Alaric's shoulder,

"Yeah yeah." He muttered as he smiled still clearly tired.

"See ya buddy." Damon replied as Ric kissed my cheek and hugged me.

"Hey." Damon whispered after Alaric left.

"Hey." I repeated back,

"Has Jo told you anything?" He questioned absently but I could hear the concern in his voice.

"She came up here earlier and said he was doing okay, but I don't know when we'll be able to see him." As I informed him I realized I hadn't been able to see my baby since he was born and what I had seen of him was from a distance, I was so out of it I couldn't think let alone worry about holding him when he was in such a fragile state. Damon had walked quietly out to the hall, when he came back in I was surprised to see he was pushing a wheelchair in front of him.

"What's that for?"

"Get in." He asked rolling the chair up right by my bed. "We're going for a ride."

Damon had helped me into the chair and we were going further and further down the hall makes rights and lefts, when we entered an elevator I attempted to get him to tell me where we were going, I course had no luck.

"You'll know when we get there." He replied keeping his eyes forward.

Where the heck are we going?

We finally arrived at an intimidatingly massive set of double doors. On the wall there was a sign that read

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

"You wanna do this?" His tone was happy but I could tell he was nervous.

"Okay, let's go." I breathed in, the smell of disinfected and cleaner filling my nose. I was feeling almost reluctant, I want to see him so bad. I just have no clue what I'm going to see and am completely unprepared for whatever is on the other side of those doors. Although what worried me the most was what I had prepared myself for.

Soon we were through the doors the ID bracelets we'd gotten earlier to a nurse on the other side of the counter so she could check them.

As Damon followed her down the hall still pushing me in the wheelchair I realized that I was completely okay, I mean besides the fact that I was exhausted there was no real reason I couldn't have walked down here on my own.

The nurse lead us in to a giant space with six incubators a special kind of baby bed to keep the babies that were most likely born earlier warm and safe. On each side lightly colored curtains separating each one. We walked until we got to the very last bed on the left.

Or at least that's where it should've been. Instead there was only an IV bag attached to a metal pole.

"Where is he?!" I demanded as my head began to throb.

The young nurse just looked at me with a smile on her face,

That's when I noticed the blue balloon tied to the rocking chair in the corner. Congratulations was written across it in big colorful letters.

"Isn't that sweet?" She went over to the chair and began uniting the it from back of the chair and handed it to Damon.

As soon as he touched the string his skin began to burn.

"Kai Parker wanted me to tell you he says congratulations."

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