Chapter 13: Trust Issues

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Damon's POV

It's about 5:00 in the morning. It's been about an hour since we found out he was missing. Alaric, Caroline, Matt, Jeremy got to the hospital twenty minutes ago.

"The weasel snagged him then had the brains to vervain me!" I announced.

"Where's Bonnie? Maybe she can do a locator spell and-." I know Elena trusted Bonnie, but just because Elena thought she could be trusted with this doesn't mean I did.

"Bonnie can't help us Elena."

"What are you talking about? Damon, a few months ago she wanted to find Kai just as much as we do right now, and she still does."

"She's the reason he's so pissed in the first place Elena, plus she wants to find him so she can find a way to kill him and under normal circumstances you know I'd offer to stake him myself but not now."

"Okay so what do except us to do? Stefan can't help us, Bonnie's out of the question so that leaves..." She glanced over at her brother as her voice lowered.

"I'm in." Jeremy responded immediately, "I'll call Tyler and let him know."

"Woah slow down Lil Gilbert, you and Blonde and I can handle but the wolf? Nope sorry, no chance."

"Kai is a vampire right? I'm just saying that maybe we should call him and tell him what's up, he can track him and he already bit him once." Jeremy reminded me, "Kai siphoned it remember? So even if Tyler were to get a chunk out of him he'd just heal back." He could at least let us know when he finds him."

"You mean if he finds him..."

"Don't be like that Damon, we'll find him." Elena was beginning to sound angry.

"Or Kai will end up raising him to hate us and then there's another vampire hating human out there, who, in case you've all forgotten some of us are going to out live!" The words were out out my mouth and it was to late, I couldn't take it back.

"Damon!" Caroline suddenly had me pinned against the wall. Her eyes turning bloodshot red as her fangs attracted.

"Chill out. We're all just trying to help."

"Or are you just being a brat because your on ripper duty?!" I retorted knowing that with Caroline I'd either A) get my neck snapped or B) a slap in the face. Survey says... A.

I woke up on the floor after what only felt like a few minutes, I guess I deserved that.

"Did you mean that?" I heard Elena say, she was sitting on the couch next to where I was laying, we are the only two in the room.

"Where'd everybody go?" I asked her still a bit disoriented.

"Just answer my question please." Her voice sounded brittle.

"What?" I stood up and slid on couch next to her.

"Did you mean it when you said... About Kai, raising our baby to hate us if we don't find him." She looked at the floor ahead of her as she talked.

Not knowing how to respond I just leaned back and shut my eyes with a hard sigh.

"Damon, Kai won't have a chance to raise him because we'll get him back."

I knew she was right but something in me didn't want to believe her, apart of me wanted to use it as an excuse to go kill Kai myself and not feel guilty. I also didn't want to have to admit to Elena that I don't trust Bonnie anymore.

"I don't want him apart of this." I finally said breaking the silence, opening my eyes again "What if we just left."

"What do you mean?" Her voice full of surprise as she looked back at me.

"I mean what if we just go, once we find the baby we just pack up and leave Mystic Falls." I told her realizing how completely crazy I sounded.

"What about the cure?"

"I'll ask Jo to give it back to us and once we find the baby she can help us take care of him until he's healthy enough for us to take him home. We'd only have to tell Ric and Jo what we're doing so they can keep us in the loop with everyone here."

Elena's expression suggested that she was more interested now in the actual possibility of this plan, but the slight smile she gave me confirmed it.

Elena's POV

"So we go gather the troops to bring down the witchpire and get our kid back." Damon was filling in Alaric and Jo on everything a few minutes later over the phone.

"Remember, we don't need anyone else finding out about this. Kay buddy?"

"Sure thing." I listened as Alaric replied to him on the other end before Damon hanging up.
"Okay, so just to recap. You, me, Ric, Jeremy, Caroline and Matt are going after Kai right?"

"Yup, we probably need call your brother first and tell him to leave Bonnie out of this one." He told me as he handed me his phone he gave me an apologetic half smile, he knows I hate that he thinks he can't trust Bonnie right now, but hopefully one day I can get him to come around.

I punched Jeremy's cell number into the phone and waited for him to pick up, he didn't and it went to voicemail. "Hey Jer it's me, listen as soon as you get this call me, it's important." I said before hanging Damon the phone back.

We made it back to the house where everyone was waiting for us, and Matt was the first to start asking questions. He and Caroline and I were talking while Damon was checking on his mom and Stefan again.

"Okay so how are we planning on tracking Kai?"

"Jo's working on getting a locator spell started. She's on her way with Alaric." I replied.

"So once we find him we need a plan, Kai's no idiot. He knows we're coming, and he'll be ready." Damon chimed in as he came around the corner with a cardboard box filled with vervain and some rope.

"Donovan, you okay with taking care of all this? The guns are all loaded already so I just need these..." he dropped the ropes in front of him before handing the box to Matt, "Soaked with vervain."

"You got it." Matt told him, as he turned to face Caroline and I. "You ladies wanna help me." He laughed ironically as he headed to the kitchen. Just as he left Ric and Jo showed up, Jo carrying a grimoire and Ric carrying a box of candles.

I could tell by Jo face that she wasn't just looking forward to helping us defeat Kai and to get our baby back, but she'd be leading the charge.

Jo's POV

You always hear about that magical moment when after your baby's born you hear their first cry and everything seems right in the world. For a few minutes you forget about all the bad things that's happened in the past and your worries disappear, because all that matters is that little person and the sound they're making to let you know they're okay.

Alaric and I almost had that moment two times over with our twins Kai stole from us at our wedding when he stabbed me. I had woken up in the hospital to Ric crying. That's when he told me they were gone, I didn't eat, I didn't sleep and I could even cried for a long time.

When I heard Elena had gotten pregnant apart of me was jealous because it wasn't even suppose to be possible that's when the tears that I'd held back came to the surface. Most of me was beyond happy for Damon and Elena though and everything that was to come. Now that Kai has the baby I'm sitting here on the floor in the middle of a dozen candles trying to locate him, Elena and Damon are sitting on the couch watching me anxiously. I looked up from my grimoire after using my blood to track my twin.

"Jo?" Alaric grabbed my hand lightly, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah..." I put my other hand over his as I looked at Elena and Damon. "I found him."

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