Chapter 19: Just a Little Hope

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Elena's POV

My heart sank at Stefan's words. "What do you mean she's missing? Damon and I checked on her just before he left. I saw Stefan's body tense up at the sound of my words, "I think Damon had Bonnie help him take Lily." He looked past me at the bed; as he talked I walked to the door and closed it turning to face him again. "I've been trying to reach Bonnie all afternoon, she hasn't answered." I said as the situation started to become more clear. "The heretics want Lily freed so that's why they took Kai." Stefan suggested, "To make a trade..." I continued, lifting my phone to my ear after dialing a number. "Who are you calling?" I could already hear the protest in his voice. "Caroline, I need someone to stay her with Jonathan while we're gone." "Damon and I can handle this Elena I think you need to wait here." Soon after he said this and the phone had beeped to Caroline's voicemail I heard Jonathan crying from his room. I hung up the phone, laying it on the bed not bothering to leave a message. "Stefan please, I'm trying to do the right thing." I said roughly as I headed for the door, opening it and making my way down the hall. After consoling Jonathan back to sleep after his diaper was changed I turned my attention back toward Stefan who had followed me into the room, he was standing by the crib peering in on Jonathan. Without saying anything I waited impatiently for him to give in, with no such luck. "The right thing to do is for you to stay here while Damon and I handle it." He said this without turning away from the baby but by the look in his eyes I could tell he was sincere, and in my heart I knew he was right. I don't know how I'd handle it if I wasn't here and something happened to him. "Fine..." I said with much surrender. "Just call if you need me."

After Stefan left I called Caroline back, and this time she picked up. "Hey Elena, sorry I didn't answer earlier I was calling Bonnie." Her voice was soft, she seemed to be distracted. "Oh it's okay I've actually been trying to talk to her too-." I tried to say causally; "Care, can you come over? Damon's gone and I don't want to be alone with the baby with Kai out." Caroline's question came seconds after a brief pause, "Hey, do you have that new movie?" I snorted back a laugh as I answered "which one? The chickflick or action/horror? And the answer is yes I do." "Good, I'll bring popcorn." "Thanks Caroline, I love you." I said happily before I hung up." While waiting for Caroline I figured I'd get some cleaning done before Jonathan woke up from his nap and I was successful... For a while. "Hey baby, Mom needs to get work done before Aunt Caroline gets here." I said entering his room and picking him up. "Oh okay, I'll tell you the truth you just have to promise not to tell anyone." I said in my happiest baby voice; "I'm just trying to keep myself busy so I don't worry so much about Daddy and what he's getting into." I kissed Jonathan on the nose making him laugh. At 3 weeks old his development was pretty normal minus the fact that he came early and his health increased quite a bit since being linked to Kai making Jonathan more alert, more aware of his surroundings. Other than that he was a normal, healthy and happy baby boy. "I just want a normal and happy life for you." I whisper softly holding him close his face snuggled to my chest. Minutes later Caroline arrived.

"I am telling you Elena, this kid is going to have the best fashion since of all time!" Caroline smiled as she rearranged the pillows to her liking on the bed next to me, her legs crossed as she scrolled aimlessly through her phone aiming it in Jonathan's direction and snapping her fingers lightly to get his attention, to no avail, he was to focused on my daylight ring, the purple stones shined bouncing off of the sunset coming in through the window. The boardinghouse has a tv in one of the guest bedrooms, we don't watch it often so when I convinced Damon and Stefan to buy it we all agreed on keeping it out of the living room so it wouldn't become some unwanted habit. We only really ever watch it for 2 reasons;
1) We're watching the weather or if something has happened on the news, example: An animal attack(this hasn't been an issue in a while but you can never be to careful). Or 2) Movie night. Either way we keep our tv time very minimum. Tonight though I was more than happy to just relax; yes Damon went after Kai trying to rescue him from the heretics but I was determined to stay calm and not worry too much; at least until it was absolutely necessary. I trust Damon and I take comfort in knowing he's not going to let anything happen to Jonathan or I, and that includes getting himself in trouble. He knows all to well what that would do to me. "Care, you do realize that there is no way Damon is letting you enter our 3 week old son into any baby modeling classes right?" I teased as I lifted Jonathan up and posed kissing him on the cheek as Caroline snapped a picture. "Let me see." As she handed me the phone I shifted Jonathan in my lap until she reached over to take him. "You never know; Damon's fashion sense still shocks me and Jonathan so photogenic already so maybe he'd be all for it. What do you think baby boy you wanna go shopping for some new clothes with Aunt Caroline?

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