Chapter 16: Much Needed Answers

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Elena's POV

Damon left for New Orleans two days ago. One morning I called Jeremy and he came to sit with me at the hospital, he also got to meet is nephew.

"So when are you going to take him home?" He'd been sitting in the rocker holding Jonathan who was wrapped in a flannel blue and pink stripped blanket.

"It'll probably be a while but we'll have to see how he does."

"I hate Kai." His voice was soft and absent, almost as if he were somewhere else completely.

"I do to... Jeremy, how are you with all this?"

"With what? The fact that in a year my sister is leaving town and I'll probably never see her again..." His answer was something I expected but the pained expression was more than I could handle. I told Damon that if he were planning on leaving Jeremy had to know and he agreed, even though he didn't want Stefan knowing I had convinced him that Jer should be.

"Oh Jer," I took Jonathan from him and gently laying him back in the bed, "I love you, and you'll see me again. You're going to be okay." I said this as I hugged him feeling the weight of his comforting arms rap around me, he needed me again just like when our parents died, he needed me and I tried my best to be there for him, but I don't know how I'm going to do that now.

Damon's POV

My first stop when I got to New Orleans was Nandi's, I remembered exactly where the shop was considering I'd been there only a few years earlier. After checking the handle and finding the door locked I walked to another door around back. On left was a shelf from the floor up full of grimoires, I lifted one from it's place between two others where I figured it had been sitting for at least a decade, it stuck to the bottom of the shelf so after lifting it up careful trying to keep from making much noise I opened it,

"You again..." I whipped around to see a slim figure standing in the door way.

"Listen, let's get right to the point."

"I've already helped you more than I should have when I told you how to break the sire bond."

"That's kind of why I'm here... Spill it what do you know about Klaus Mikaelson and his kid?"

"Not much just that the child is part werewolf, part vampire... And part witch. Now I didn't get into all the sacrifice drama but when she was born apparently Niklaus and the baby's mother faked her death to protect her, it worked for a while but soon the other witches caught on, You've got a very power child on your hands." Her voice was calm and non-threatening.

"The last time talked to you, you mentioned magical loopholes and I'm guessing that Klaus' kid isn't an exception."

"Everything magic related comes with it's own set of loopholes. Unless we're dealing with something magical that is completely unheard of which is possible." She said with a tone that suggested she was ready to get rid of me.

"Well that's super specific... So where can I find Klaus?"


I don't really know what I'm in for here, it's been over a year since I'd last seen Klaus, we were never the best of friends, in fact he's tried to kill me on more than one occasion. On the other hand he did save me the last time I saw him, but now that Katherine(klaus wanted Katherine's doppelgänger blood to create more hybrids) is gone and we both have kids there's no telling what'll happen.

"Klaus! Hey it's Damon, we gotta talk." I waited only about two seconds before the door opened.

"Damon... What brings you here?"

"Questions, that I was hoping you have answers to." That's when I heard the crying from the other room.

"Come in, tell me what have you, Stefan and Elena been up to?"

"Let's see, Stefan got all blood crazy again, and Elena and I well... We got married." Klaus stopped walking in front of me on his way down the hall and turned to face me, he had told me once that he never saw Elena and I together and happy, so this was the reaction I accepted.

"Well it seems I was wrong about you two after."

"We had a kid to." I said not waiting for him to recover from his obvious state of shock.

"So you're here to schedule a play date." He was grinning from ear to ear. I stayed by the door while klaus went over to the crib, reaching over the side. Hope was about a year old, the little hair she had was blond and her eyes were dark blue, she grabbed the neck of Klaus' shirt and quieted after a minute or two.

"Where's the lucky lady?" I asked him trying not to act to interested.

"Haley lost my trust after she tried to take Hope from me. She suffering the consequences."

I held my hand up to stop him. "Forget I asked, I don't wanna know."

"So let me get this straight. vampires supposedly aren't able to have children but werewolves can, so you being both part vampire and werewolf you and Haley, also a werewolf had Hope but that doesn't explain Elena and I. For the record I wasn't going to mention him at all but since I heard about all you did to protect her and you have your own problems to deal with, what could it hurt."

"I didn't want to believe that Haley was pregnant when I found out either, it took me almost losing Hope to realize that I wanted her, not just as an heir or a weapon against the enemy but as my daughter. Now I couldn't imagine my world without her and if anyone tries to take her from me well, just ask Haley what happens."

Elena's POV

Around three o'clock the machine alarms and low whispers of Jo and Damon woke me up. Jo was making the noise stop as Damon held Johnathan close laying his hand over his little head like he'd done a few nights before.

"Caroline practically begged me to let her throw us a baby shower as soon as we bring him home."

"Well you can tell Caroline to start planning." Jo's words were so causal that I almost didn't catch the importance of them.

"Wait, what do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean, that he's in the clear, I know he's still really tiny but that's okay. He's breathing fine and his vitals are good so he can go home. If you don't mind I'll be coming by the boarding house later to make sure y'all are okay but in a few hours you two are on your own."

Jo was smiling at us as Damon looked over at me then up at Jo again.

"So... Do you and Ric want to babysit?"

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