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Breathing in relief as she spot him walking honking to the others cars to convey the new Jason drove in the little path he was taking honking several times finally gaining his attention, before he could react in any way, Whitney window rolled down revealing her, stunned he stood there doing nothing but stare.

"Get in buddy, I'm sorry I didn't get there on time." Nodding for a moment not saying a single word he looked up then back at her like he was space out.

Leaning closely, Addison  could tell he was not far than nineteen, the streetlight lightened his face you could think if you didn't know his sister age that they were twin.

"Come on buddy, you have my word that your not going back there."

"Really!?" Hope written on his face he looked at his sister waiting her answer.

"You know I only have one promise. I came, didn't I? I told you I will always have your back. Now come in."

Staring toward the way he came as if someone was following him he shook his head one hand in his hairs messing with them.

"I'm not going back there Liv! I'm not! I'm done!" Stomping his left foot on the ground he yelled pointing in that direction.

"I promised. Didn't I?" Wiping the tear that rolled on his cheek he nodded before getting in the car as Jason holding it open for him.

"I left my things there Liv. I.."

"Do not worry buddy, we will manage, now rest okay everything is alright." More collected than the others occupants knew she was as she was the one calming her brother Whitney placed one hand on his shoulder smiling tenderly at him.

"We will go..."

"Don't worry about that. How about we go to my condo it's really near from here. You two can rest. Jason." Letting it go without a fight alarming the older woman. She was too calm for it to be actually true. Silence filled the car as they rode back downtown entering in one of the tall building that plagued the place.

Not caring about the decorations the two siblings followed Addison to her condo still silent Jason following behind.

"Miss Livingston, I will like to look at your brother leg before he goes to bed I believe he is bleeding." Caught off guard they all looked at his leg confirming what he said.

With their permission he waited for him to take a bath before taking care of it, it was a cut he made when he jumped while running, after stitching it without a single groan coming from him, Jason Well who did some work as a generalist in an hospital before becoming who he was gave him painkillers made sure he drank before leaving just to meet his Boss out.

"He will be alright ma'am." Nodding at him Addison breathed in relief massaging her temple.

As they walked towards the living room they stopped in their track hearing Whitney talked in with a voice so cold that it gave them both chill.

"What is your project!? Do not call me again. I don't care who you are, do not call this number again untill it's to tell me that you get rid of that piece of... Look... You made your choice. It only make sense for you and God, who knows what is his project to let all of this happen?! I don't know."

They both stood there silently looking at her, she took a sharp breath before  holding her hand up to calm herself doing this Zen thing people would think only appear in movies.

"But what I do know is that since you choose do not call again. NEVER. If you died there I will not come at your funeral. This is our last conversation." Wiping the tears that fell she straightened herself shaking her head.

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