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"what is all this about, you cannot be in your right mind that is all bullshit! You up and discovered That you were like that?" The fact that her older daughter couldn't even pronounced the word that qualify her the best hurt her.

" Look I didn't planned this at all! It's just..."

"What mum? What? Do you even listen to yourself right now? Who knows this woman? For all I know she could be there to just use your money! Did you ever take that in account or are you so madly in love... To a child!! That's unbelievable!"

One hand in her hair the oldest of her child gave her a pity look mixed with so much emotion that she just sat there a moment she knew that it wouldn't be easy, she should have listened and let it like that, telling her children wasn't that much of a great idea.

Feelings a headache coming Addison Martins stood up to stand near the window her perfect living room was in a defeening silence her extrovert talkative children wasn't that much talkative anymore they were all so stunned, they all wanted to know what had their mother so happy for two years they pushed everyday to talk insinuating things that they knew now wasn't even near the thruth.

Carolyn was the only one to speak she was so angry that she didn't knew what to do with herself, she thought her mother was an example but no. 0ut of all the people in the country she had to settled for not only a woman but someone who was younger than her three first children, because yes Withney Livingston was younger than her eight years younger than her.

"Mum she's what twenty seven? Did you even thought about that!? What will people said? Whoa, Sheila is almost her age!"

Pointing to one of her sister who sat there silent as her others siblings not say much because most of the time Carolyn always do the talk. Her face was really red by the moment her high pitched voice ran through the place.

Feeling helpless Addison thought of Withney, standing there near the window in front of her five children she felt a feeling that was destroying her inside, one hand on her neck she massaged it understanding why Withney told her that it wasn't a good idea, they managed to be together for two years, she was her weakness her everything she couldn't stand not waking up with her near her the only thing standing on the way was her family.

"Aren't you Ash..."

"Don't! Carolyn don't insult me in front of my children! She isn't anything near what you make her. You all know her! What changed? The fact that she's my girlfriend?"

"Ohh God! Mum she's..." one hand up the other on her hip Carolyn shook her head at the way her mother pointed her finger to her daring her to continue.

"I swear Carolyn! Don't disrespect me. Don't you think I have already take all those things in account, the other day you all said you had nothing against homosexuality that you will accept it. I'm telling you to spread it all around. I'm fully aware that it's not something to do. But for God sake I'm tired! okay! I'm just tired to have to divide myself between here and there! I love you all."

Addison voice fluttered through the end  in all theirs lives it was the first time their mother allow herself to be that vulnerable infront of them it was weird to all of them.

George Alexander Martins, the younger one of the crew didn't like to see her mother like that plus he really like Withney she always was so caring with him, he understood the meaning of what was going on, he knew what his mother said wasn't allowed by the law but she was happy that was the only thing that counts for him, from his twelve years old he knew they could allow her to be.

"Mum? She won't beat you right?" His innocent question filled with fear froze everyone reminding them from where they came from they had it rough back then, no one knew he remembered a thing never did he talked about it like it never happened.

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