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Getting in the kitchen Sheila quickly sat taking her sandwich to eat it like she was famished which she was. Smiling at the sight of all her children happy Addison leaned on the doorway looking at them untill Kaden met her smiling.

"Hey mum you should go, we are sleeping here tonight. There is not a place in this Earth where I'm not finishing to see that movie today. The small tolder we will make sure to have them sleeping at a reasonable time."

At Miranda glare he changed the end of his sentence gaining a nod for reasonable could meant a lot.

As she wanted to speak, they all ushered her out smiling after kissing all them on their forehead she went upstairs to her bedroom to freshen up wearing new clothes.

If there were one thing it will be how she always take care of the way she was clothes, she knew she had to keep things interesting.  When she walked back in the kitchen to said bye she was met with wide eyes that looked her up and down.

"God damnit! Mummmm!" Mouth agape Kaden screamed as  Miranda and George who was more used to see her like that just nodded theirs heads.

"You are breathtaking beautiful mum!" That was Sheila who couldn't find another words to describe their mother, the woman was dress to impress.

God was she doing a good job with her beautiful blue dress that hugged all her upper side then get loose on her  hip in a way that was still near her body her curves was was most likely on display. There were no way she would not get lay.

Thinking the same thing the all met gaze as she left her hip swaying as her perfume lingered behind her, apparently the same thought crossing theirs minds.

"We have a really beautiful mommy, that is for sure!" George comment caused the olders to erupted with laughter Sheila clapping hand with Kaden.

"You have no idea little boy. If she's going to Withney she will have troubles staying up." Face palming himself at the thought of her mother being the man in a relationship he shook his head making a "eerkk"

Laughing his siblings finished their food taking the bottles of juice Sheila handed them.

"God that is mess up, I don't even know how it works. How do they managed?" Wondering Sheila sat on her boot her chin on her hand the other holding her Coke bottle. She never really met those kind of couples.

Shrugging George glanced at his big siblings pursing his lips then scratched the tip of his nose.

"You know it is the same as in heterosexual relationship there is one who is the upper the other is just like the woman." Miranda tried to explain to her clueless sister not giving away she knew better herself.

"How do you even know that? You're still a child."

Crossing his hand Kaden bored his eyes in his fourteen years old sister who did as Whitney taught her keeping her face straight like she was directly concern she knew now she could come out with no problem but wasn't ready.

"God! Kaden we are in a foreign school remember. That mean our law doesn't apply to them. At school there are couples you know mostly seniors, you can see them in recess or wherever. Yeah  PDA  is still a level prohibited when is a long kiss, because there are teacher who have others nationalities in there or are just uncomfortable seeing such things. The thing is it's not different. Just the bodies change."

Looking at both of them, she closed her mouth wondering how they couldn't get it. She just knew for her to tell was just the time.

Scratching the back of his neck Kaden looks embarrassed making her laughed.

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