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Taking in sharp breath her body started going limp on her lover arms shaking her head to push the mask away her hand finally pushed it aside she bored dull eyes on Addison panicked ones.

"No! No baby don't... I'm sorry love, I'm so so sorry. I should have known. God... I forgot which was stupid of me. I hope you forgive me."

Withney left trembling hand on her face Addison leaned her head in it really afraid that something happens to her, she couldn't lost her.

"I didn't knew wha... what.... to, to do with t...the money, I," Taking a sharp breath Withney stopped panting and sweating not able to talk anymore

"It's okay babe, it is okay. I don't,.. I...Caro??...No, no, no... stay awake!" Feeling how her hand on her cheek started slipping gradually Addison frantically looked at her daughter Carolyn for help.

"What is happening!? Why did she fainted?"

Putting the mask back Carolyn glanced at her frantic mother, she was totally off, like her life depended on the tiny woman she held as treasure on her chest.

Sighing deeply sorry for what happened between them Carolyn stood up motioning her brother over to take her up she knew being a doctor that she will be out for a long moment.

"Don't worry mum she will be alright it was just a panicked attacks. It's something that can happen to everyone." Wiping a teardrop that rolled on her cheek her hands shaking, the woman couldn't care less that all her children was witnessing her moment of weakness. Al that count was the love of her life. That was how weak Whitney could make her be.

Addison doubt fade as she saw the seriousness of her daughter face she knew that she could trust her, after all she was one of the best psychologist in the country. It it was something else she believed she would have required to go in the hospital.

After pushing a strand of hairs behind Withney ear, she saw kaden kneeling in front of her like he wanted to take Withney from her arms.

"No, don't worry I will carry her myself she's a light weight."

Standing up with Withney in her arms, Addison adjusted her weight in her arms under her children suprised gazes who looked at each others then at her as she was walking up stairs.

"It's not your fault. You're well aware to not take that road. You couldn't imagine."

One hand on her forehead Carolyn breathed out feeling bad for the way things turned. Her eyes darted on Sheila's for a moment making her sister wondered if she even heard what she said, shaking her head Carolyn's eyes closed as she exhaled bitting her lower lip, she knew she was actually right, she wasn't the best in her field for nothing, she couldn't allowed herself to go there.

"You're right. But I can't stand the wringles on mum face, the fact that she thinks she is the one to blame and the fact that she is afraid to lost her makes me sick in my stomach. Jesus! One day  already passed! And she's still sleeping!? Maybe I should call for the doctor to come!? I don't know maybe I read it wrong!? I may..."

"Stop, stop! Caro you are the best remember. You did nothing bad. She is still breathing right. Her vitals are good. So stop 'maybe ' everything you say. She's good. Mom trust you, it says everything we all know how that woman is precious for her."

Nodding at Sheila words of wisdom Carolyn breathed out closing her eyes again, feeling her body relaxed as she leaned on the counter top.

All her siblings looked at her, her flipping wasn't something new it was an habit of hers, for a psychologist it was weird but just her, Carolyn. Hot temperate but calm when it came to work.

Sheila understood more why you couldn't medically treat someone related to you. It was just mess up. Even though it could be easy, it was risky, that reminded her at how her professor insisted on that even though her peers wasn't having it.' saying it was money saving.

"There is nothing to worry, she often oversleep when she felt tired or just feel like it."

Startling them all Addison Entered the kitchen after hearing from the hallway what they were saying, eavesdropping she had taught them all wasn't a good thing to do, but many times as the mother she was, it helped to enter fortresses they liked to build around themselves.

Gathering all the things she needed to cook for Whitney she walked around the island  stopping behind Carolyn rigid body then kissed the top of her head.

"I don't want to hear you saying it was your fault. I could said the same, but you know what she would be telling us both?"

Her arms around her body her back to her front, Addison asked her daughter near her ear resting her head on hers, the stiffen body started getting comfortable on hers, taking her negativity away, After a while she shook her head from side to side as it was possible to move her head which was glued to her mother's, not trusting her voice.

"She would said that what happened is already in the past, the only thing to do is to look forward and be the best of yourself in the future. Even if it hurt it will be okay. That is what she will say. Now forget about it. Mmm?"

Leaning on her mother Carolyn nodded, following her mother relaxed lead, Carolyn could see how the young woman could date their mother, Withney seemed to be more wiser than what she though as her mother kissed her cheeks multiples times as she liked to do it when she was still a kid, at that thought, a smile creased her face.

Feeling her cheek moved on hers, Addison kept going making the others laughed at them. Playing along she did her best to squeezed out of her arms unsuccessfully.

Laughing at it, the oldest Martins child surrendered making her mother placed one last kiss on her cheek satisfied of winning. Shaking her head while giggling Carolyn wiped the single tear that rolled out of her eyes out of happiness.

The older woman could be a goofy sometimes, that side of her mother was really good to feel again.

The one that brought it back was Whitney, doing some calculation on the time, Carolyn rolled her tongue in her mouth when she realized that it was when Whitney appeared in their lives that their mother started being an actual mother again throwing a bit of her coldness away.

"Okay loves who want to help me?" Everyone hands up made Addison smile bigger. Letting go of her daughter she headed to the place she had put what was to be use.

The kitchen vibe shift from awkward to warmth in a matter of minutes relief washing over everyone at their mother words of advice.

"How about Withney? Someone should be up there." Hearing George voice Addison turned her head towards him touched that he would asked.

"Don't worry baby, if she wakes up I will know. See."  Showing him her hand she wore a smart watch that served as alarm.

"How about I go stay with her? I am a doctor. George is right. Someone has to stay with her."

"Okay then." Standing up Carolyn walked towards the door but her mother pulled her in her arms holding her tight for a brief moment.

"I love you baby. I'm also so proud of you. We may have arguments sometimes but Never forget that love."

Feeling emotional the hot head woman gripped her mother placing her head on the crook of her neck inhaling the parfume that always calmed her when she was much younger.

It felt good being there in her arms, after quite sometimes, actually ages, even though she was all grown up, she still need her mother embrace from time to time.

In fact she was scared Whitney would pulled her away form them having her to focus only on her as it was sometimes the case, with parents going in huge agegap relationships but she was apparently wrong.

Her mother seemed to be more open than before, she was sure her siblings could confirm that. Rather than losing her, they had theirs truth mother back, the one that smile wide and wasn't feeling awkward to hug. It wasn't a privilege only George had anymore because he was still young.

Letting go she smiled at her then left the kitchen at peace under Sheila and Mira gaze. Just happy they hugged each others thinking the same, "everything will be alright". If those two wasn't butting heads it had to be fine.

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