Chapter 20

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10 Years later

It was early in the morning and I had a doctors appointment at the Republic city Hospital. No don't worry it was nothing to worry about. It was just my ultrasound, This is gonna be our first time seeing the baby and hearing it's heartbeat. A lot of people asked us how did we make a baby. If a woman chose to do so,she could make sperm from her own bone marrow, fertilize another woman's egg. So The baby is biologically Korra's and mine. Lately things have been perfectly fine after college we got married and we had a big wedding with all her friends and family. Turns out Korra could really dance. It was the best night of my life marrying the person I fell in love with. just spending the rest of my life with my soulmate. Sometimes we would argue but it was for the stupidest reasons nothing too major I couldn't seriously ask for anything more. I finally got out of my bed and started getting ready. Korra was still sleeping so I woke her up by placing a soft kiss on her lips.

Korra: Hmmm good morning baby

Asami: well good morning to you. You need to get ready today is an important day

Korra: Oh shit we're going to see it today right ?

Asami: by it you mean the baby ? Yeah

Korra: i'm sorry I just can't wait I seriously can't believe that this is biologically possible

Asami: well believe it now get up and start getting ready we're going to be late.

She finally got up and started getting ready and after that we headed straight to the hospital. We waited for a good 15 minutes until we finally got to go inside. I was so nervous but yet so excited. I lied down as the nurse put some sort of gel on my stomach. It was nice and warm. I guess it caught me by surprise because I thought it was gonna be cold but it wasn't. Soon after we saw an image on the screen.

Nurse: congratulations you two are going to be having twins

Asami: wait twins ?!

Korra: how do you know that ?

Nurse: well do you see here there are two bags and in those bags there is a baby in each one.

Korra: wow I didn't expect twins

Asami: me neither I guess we have to buy two of each now

Korra: I guess so

Nurse: well they're both nice and healthy just make sure to eat well okay

Korra: when are we able to tell what gender they are?

Nurse:  Asmai would have to be 4 months before I get to tell you that.

After the appointment I started craving some food so Korra decided to treat me out to eat. This was very exciting. I'm going to be having twins. Yes I know it might be difficult, but they're a part of mine and Korra's heart so it just makes it that more special. I just couldn't wait to actually hold them in my arms and just to see how they turn out.




Korra: you know I can't drive that good I don't want to crash!

Asami: and I don't wanna be having these babies in the car so hurry up!

Korra: we're almost there, can't you just Hold it ?!

Asami: yeah sure I can just hold two fucking babies they're coming right out of my vagina!

Korra: okok I get it I'm sorry !

Today was the day my babies are finally going to come out and see the world. I know Asmaiis going through so much pain right now so I can't really complain. Soon after we finally made it to the hospital and they took her right in. I had called all our friends and family hours went by and the twins were still taking their sweet ass time. Everyone Was waiting in the waiting room. And I was the only one with Asami.

Asami: I just want them to come out already

Korra: I guess they just want to stay with you a little bit longer

Asami: and they're already too big they need to come out 

Korra: they'll be here soon and then all your pain will go away

Asami: Not soon enough, Ahhhh it hurts

Nurse: I'm sorry to interrupt this conversation but have some good news and bad news. The good news is the babies are going to be coming really soon bad news is we are going to have a C-section I know you wanted to have it naturally but one of the babies has moved and can no longer come out Naturally. If we try to do it naturally they will get hurt.

Asami: as long as they come out healthy and safe I'm ok with it.

Soon after the surgery started. I was right next to Asmai making her feel comfortable. The first one came out and it was a boy he was pale with raven hair and blue eyes. I couldn't help but smile hearing his cries. Then the next one came out and it was a girl she had dark skin green eyes and brown hair just like mine it was so beautiful seeing them get born I just couldn't wait to hold them. After everything was done we finally got to hold him they were so beautiful I couldn't believe that this was real.

Nurse sow what are you going to name them. I looked at Asami.

Asami: Yasuko and Jet

Korra: I love that Yasuko and Jet Sato

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