Chapter 5

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As I set in class tired as fuck the announcement goes on letting everyone know that there's going to be a ski trip today, but only people with parents or guardian approval can go because it was a 3 day trip. I pull out my phone to text the rest of the group since we don't all have the same classes plus Asami and Mako are seniors.

Korra: " Hey guys so should we all carpool I can ask my mom to drop us off "

Bolin: " that doesn't sound like a bad idea. I already have my stuff ready at home! "

Opal: " at what time we have to be back here"

Asami: " we have to be here at 6 and the busses leave at 7"

Wu:" sounds good to me ! "

Korra: " alright, did everyone get their room numbers ? "

Wu: " yeah I'm going to share with Bolin since we have to be with our grade level "

Korra: " About that.. Opal is there anyway you can trade with Sami Please ! Ik we got the same room but the principal doesn't let Asami be with me since she's a senior "

Opal:" Who is Sami supposed to share with "

Asami: " it's just this girl in my AP class she's quiet so she won't be a bother if it's okay with you ? "

Opal: " as long as it's not one of those know it all cheerleader then I'm okay with it "

Korra: " thank you so much I owe you ! "

Mako: " So what time are we all getting picked up ? "

Korra: " oh just be ready by 5 since my mom has to take all of us and we have to be there at 6 "

As soon as I get home Asami and I get our stuff together then get in the car so my mom can go pick up the rest of the group. We barely made it back to school at 5:50, everyone had to go up to their teacher to check in and get on the buses . We were allowed to sit anywhere so of course I sat next to Asami and everyone else sat close by. The drive took 4 hrs, once we reached our destination everyone got off and went to their rooms to settle down. Before going to our rooms Opal and Asami traded rooms, then Asami followed me to the juniors section. Our room had 2 full size beds with a full bathroom. It was pretty nice but we only needed one bed, so I ended up running towards the bed to jump on top and landed on my back. I then felt Asami crawling on top of me giving me a deep kiss, I loved tasting her so I pulled her in closer pressing our bodies against each other. As I pulled off her maroon sweater I noticed that she didn't have anything else underneath my face blushed a light red. Then I pull her back in for a deep kiss and Flip her over as I start kissing her neck, making her moan. I then stop and smile at her " hold on I got something! " I get up and go to my bag and pull out a strap on then go up to Asami and show her " I was wondering if we can use this ? " i asked

Asami: " you want to use that on me ? "

Korra: " yeah but if you don't want to it's okay I was just saying "

Asami: " No it's fine but just do it slowly I've only ever had your fingers in there "

I nodded my head and took off my pants and shirt, while Asami took off the rest of her clothes. I then put the strap on and gave her a kiss while I slowly put the tip inside her sex making sure it wouldn't hurt her. " Are you sure it's fine ? " She nodded her head so I begin to push it deeper inside as she moan " FUCK KORRA!" I slowly started going in and out as I groped her chest and kissed her neck as we started breathing heavier. I start going faster while rubbing her clit at the same time she moans louder, arching her back and moving her hips along with mine " KORRA I'M GONNA! " I go faster So she can reach her climax and as soon as she does ,I kiss her again letting our tongues intertwined tasting her as I slowly pull out .
All of a sudden we hear a knock on the door
" Girls everyone is meeting downstairs in three minutes so we can go skiing and put on something warm" Miss. Lin says. " Thank God she didn't walk in on us" I tell Asami, she giggles and starts putting her clothes on. " Next time I get to use that new toy are you " she says. I blushed and told her " all right let's make a bet I'll race you down the mountain and whoever wins gets to use it on the other person ." She smiled " you better be prepared to lose "We both can go downstairs meeting with everybody else. " ok students, everybody partner up and just enjoy the day!" Mrs.Su said. Asami and I go on finding the rest of the group as we climb the mountain we finally reach the top.

Wu: " all right guys whoever is last has to buy the rest of us food "

Mako: " that's most likely going to be you because you don't even know how to ski"

Bolin: " hey I could never deny free food, let's just do this"

Korra: " i'm a pro at this I'm pretty sure I'm gonna win"

Asami: " don't be so cocky, that's never good. "

Korra: " says the cocky one "

Opal: " why do we have to make everything a competition "

Bolin: " it's just more interesting that way"

We all gave Wu A Head Start since he doesn't know how to ski, but once we all started I was in the lead followed by Bolin, Asami, Mako then Opal and Wu was last like always. Somehow Asami passed Bolin and was neck to neck with me , as we got closer to the end she started going ahead of me. Seconds later we made it to the finish line and Asami just beat me by a foot, I have to admit my girl has skills. " woo hoo ! " she screams then whispers into my ear "I guess it's going to be my turn tonight " I blushed a deep red pushing her shoulder as she winked at me.
As we all were about to head to the food Court so Wu could buy us something, Mako grabbed my hand and stopped me saying he needed to talk to me so I let Asami know I was going to be with him for a second and that I'll meet up with them in a bit. He then pulls me behind some trees " Korra I needed to talk to you because I just .... I don't know how to say this.. okay Im just going to let it out. I have feelings for you and I actually had them for a while that kiss we had before you actually started dating asami actually meant something to me. I was hoping that night that you will feel something and I just miss spending time with you before you started dating her, We would hang out every day. I just can't hold it in anymore Korra I like you " I was just frozen and didn't know what to say because I didn't feel the same but he was a close friend. I mean I thought we were clear, the kiss didn't mean anything. I love Asami and I hope I get to spend the rest of my life with her. As I was trying to think about what to say, to let him down easy but all of a sudden I felt him grab my shoulders and kiss me. Soon after I pushed him off " what the hell is wrong with you Mako I'm with Asami and I'm in love with her! I'm sorry but I just don't feel the same!"


Everybody was ordering but Wu had to go outside to ask Korra and Mako what they wanted. Opal and I tried looking for a booth where all of us could sit down. Wu ran back inside bawling out tears

Bolin:" what's wrong are you okay? "


( Everyone gasping in shock )



I got up so quick, I really didn't know what to think. I didn't know what I was gonna do, but I felt so much anger. How in the hell is Korra going to be cheating on me, it just didn't make sense to me and it was hard to process. As I walked outside passing the doors the first person I saw was Mako. I felt so much rage I ran up to him and punched him right in the face knocking him down to the floor. As I was about to get on top of him and punch his face in, I felt Bolin and Opal holding me back. " LET ME GO IMMA KICK HIS ASS " I screamed. I then turned to my right and saw Korra I then started crying " WHY DID YOU KISS HIM ?! " she walked closer " Asami I didn't kiss him. He confessed that he has feelings for me and kissed me. I told him that I love you and that I felt nothing for him! " she said. I was relieved that she didn't cheat on me, but it pissed me off even more that mako forced himself on my girlfriend. Like who the fuck does he think he is ? I started trying to push myself through so I can kick his face in. I was just so angry I then felt Korra hug me and grab my hand and start pulling me away. " we should go back to ourroom " she said as we walked away" once we got back inside I quickly hugged my girlfriend " what happened?" I asked
She then pulls away from the hug and sits down on the bed " it was just all of a sudden he told me that he wanted to talk to me. I was shocked when he said he had feelings for me and I froze. I didn't know what to say or how to reject him because he knows I'm with you and in that moment he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me into a kiss. I pulled away and immediately told him that I do not feel the same and that I love you." She said. I slowly walked closer and sat down on the bed next to her " Are you okay?" I asked " yeah I'm fine it was just weird " I then wrapped my arms around her " how about we just stay in here for the rest of the trip? We can cuddle, watch movies, and do other things " I said. Korra just looked at me and smiled " Alright that sounds like a plan! " Korra and I then got under the blankets cuddling next to each other while we watched some movies as we.

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