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~•~ A week ~•~

It's already a week since the war ended up and the world had been peace once again. Even so, one person had laying down on the bed uncouncious for a week who is Lucy Fullbuster. She was put into a coma since she use her magic too much for defeating Madara and Kaguya. She was stayed in the hospital. Sasuke was always come to visit Lucy. He was look upset when he look at Lucy.

Sasuke had hold of Lucy's hand and he can feel warm through her hand. Sasuke had look at Lucy's face who look peaceful when she in coma. He then said something to Lucy and hope she can heard him. "Lucy, it's already a week that you not wake up from the coma. Please wake up. I'm really missing you, Lucy. I miss you so much. I can't bear to see you in this condition, Lucy. Everyone were waiting for you. Wake up. Please... Lucy.... Wake up... For me and your friends, Lucy." Said Sasuke with a hurtful face. Lucy who still in coma had not responded but it seems unnoticed by Sasuke when Lucy's face show a little discomfort since she disturb by her nightmare.

~•~ A dream ~•~

Lucy was trapped in her nightmare that turned out to be from her past. She was saw a demon had destroy her hometown which called as Deliora. Lucy had wonder why she was see her past that always rewind again by again. She doesn't know about it and tried to find a way to get out from her past. "Please... I had enough of this. What with my past that always rewind? What do you expect me to see it? What is that I lost it?" Said Lucy weakly trying to find the way out.

Then she heard a voice who come out from behind. She was turn her body and look a light appeared in front of her. "Lucy, can't you see it? Just look properly and you can get your answer. Just look at it, Lucy." Said a voice who told Lucy to watch again at her house. Lucy had follow what it's telling her. She then watch carefully at her past. Then something click into her eyes when she saw a little raven boy that come out from the house.

"G-Gray-nii?" Said Lucy with a little stutter when she saw Gray get out from their house. Lucy can see Gray's face who seems crying. Then she heard of what he saying about. "Lucy.... Mom... Dad... I'm sorry but I'm promise that I will take a revenge on that demon. He will pay for what he done to you guys. And my beloved sister Lucy, I love you. I'm sorry for not protect you. Please forgive me, Lucy." Said Gray before he running out from their hometown.

Lucy was crying in joy when she find out that her older brother still alive. "Gray-nii, he's still alive... I can't believe it. He still alive... My older brother still alive... Gray-nii..." Said Lucy happily while close her mouth with her hands. A light seem going to talk to Lucy. "So you know what to do, right? You have to achieve your goal. To find your brother. The war had already ended right now. It's time for you to continue your journey, Lucy." Said a Light which make Lucy silent.

"Then how about my friends? Should I leave them for my journey? I can't leave them anyway." Said Lucy lowly with upset expression on her face. "It's up to you, Lucy. It's your decision. You can decide by yourself. No one will stop you. Just one thing that you need. Just follow of your heart. It will lead you to a right thing, Lucy." Said a Light which make Lucy sigh. "Okay, I will. Then how can I get out from this?" Said Lucy confused. A light then leading her to another light which make her disappeared without asking anything.

~•~ A dream ended ~•~

Lucy had begun to wake up from a coma that was already a week. Her hand had move a little make Sasuke noticed and look at Lucy who seem open her eyes. His face was lift up quickly hugging her happily. "Lucy, you're awake. Thank goodness. I'm so glad that you wake up, Lucy. Wait a second. I will call Tsunade-sama, Lucy." Said Sasuke softly before running out of the room. Lucy can't said anything to Sasuke since he left sooner.

Fairy x Naruto : Lucy's resolution (Book two) (Sasuke love story)Where stories live. Discover now