Chapter 12

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While still at sea, the ship is attacked by a Giant Squid whom the ship's captain had tried to warn them about. They are however saved by Killer B. As Naruto and his Konoha bodyguards disembark on the Land of Lightning Island, Naruto approaches B and asks for his help in learning to control a tailed beast, as he was the octopus that the Great Toad Sage had foretold him about. B initially appears uninterested, so Naruto tries to sell him on the idea by acting like him. In doing so he accidentally insults B, so B refuses. Naruto asks Motoi, the island's caretaker, how he can convince B, claiming that B is too conceited. Motoi grows angry by Naruto's accusations, but lets it go. He tells Naruto that B probably had his reasons and directs him to the Falls of Truth. He tells Naruto that it is the place that B was trained to control the Eight-Tails. He then tells Naruto to enter the falls to face his inner self. A "dark Naruto" confronts him, calling him an impostor. B is shown fighting in a competition with several bears where he easily defeats Kintoki telling him that he'd gotten soft. The Eight-Tails then asks B why didn't he help Naruto if he had time to play with bears, telling him that even though he didn't like the Nine-Tails, Naruto showed promise and that Naruto reminded him of himself and B.

Naruto tries to defeat his "inner darkness", the product of his lonely childhood and the lone obstacle in his efforts to tame the Nine-Tails. Dark Naruto asks why he didn't humour the earlier, "shallow" Konoha villagers with autographs. They begin fighting but are equally matched, so the fight does not go anywhere. Since this is an internal struggle, Naruto returns his attention to the real world and tells them what had happened, much to Yamato's shock. Motoi tells Naruto to defeat his inner self, otherwise he would not be able to continue on his quest to control the Nine-Tails.

Struggling with the Falls of Truth and his darker side, Naruto requests help from Motoi, asking how Killer B overcame his dark side. Due to the seriousness of the situation and the effect on peace that Naruto gaining control of the Nine-Tails would have, Motoi agrees, telling him and Yamato of B's past. After Motoi's father's death at the hands of the Eight-Tails, who had rampaged after his jinchūriki was unable to control it, B was chosen and subsequently shunned as the new Eight Tails jinchūriki. As he had blamed the tailed beast for his father's murder, his hatred shifted to Killer B himself and twice tried to kill him with a kunai; while B seemed to recognise him the first time, the second time, Motoi witnessed the villagers of Kumo bombarding Killer B with eggs, only for the latter to smile and shrug it off. Naruto leaves for a moment of solace, only for Motoi and Yamato to be attacked by the Giant Squid, with Motoi being captured.

Yamato uses his Wood Release: Smothering Binding Technique to restrain the squid, athough Naruto refrains from attacking, believing the squid to be Killer B in his Eight-Tails form angrily attacking Motoi; however, the real Killer B arrives and quickly defeats the squid. Motoi asks Killer B why he would save someone who tried to kill him in the past, Killer B responds that he does not remember that incident, and that all he remembers is the good memories he had growing up with Motoi, who he proclaims is his best friend. As he gives Motoi a fist bump, which Motoi reciprocates, Naruto adopts Killer B's verbal tic, while Killer B does the same.

 As he gives Motoi a fist bump, which Motoi reciprocates, Naruto adopts Killer B's verbal tic, while Killer B does the same

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