Chapter 13 *OPENING*

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Izuku's P.O.V

Ariana Grande...


Britney Spears...


Katy Perry...


"Ugh this is hopeless, We've been here forever!" I sighed in defeat as I lay my back completely on the floor.

"Ugh...Deku-Kun?, 5 minutes has only passed" Uraraka retorted while some girls giggled.

"Yeah 5 minutes of pure AGONY!!!" I whine as I take a piece of paper next to me that I for sure didn't saw yet. My eye's wide at the name that was in it, I started screaming. The class all looked at me weirdly, Iida being Iida telling me to quiet down.

"Who is it midoriya?" Asked Mina, I kept on saying 'Oh my God' and ignoring their questions they kept on answering them.

"Deku answer us, Who the fuck is it?!" Kacchan shouted as he was walking towards me, well stomping and about to hit my head, I grabbed her arm and held it tightly making him wince in pain and looked dead in the eyes.

Katsuki's P.O.V

as the shittily cute Deku runs around frantically and everyone was throwing questions at him which he didn't care about at all.

It was getting irritating hearing his screams, but I wouldn't mind him screaming my name when I fuck him...KATSUKI FUCKING STOP BEING HORNY AS FUCK.

"Deku answer us, Who the fuck is it?!" I shouted and walked my way to him about to smack his head, and yes I fucking know how scary he is even in his cute for me still emits this scary dominant aura, but this moment I was risking my body for him to shut the hell up and know why he's fucking shouting anyways.

as I was about to smack his head, the extra's keep telling me to stop, or 'you're dead' Like I care what will he do anyway he's pre occupi- I spoke too soon, FUCK, FUCK FUCK...

he grabbed my arm then looked directly at my eyes, It shocked everyone when his big, orbs, that sparkle when the lights hit it went dull and lackluster, his gaze was piercing that it can ee inside you and destroy your soul this caused me to shiver down to my spine.

"What are you doing KATSUKI?" He asked, his voice was very different from his bubbly high pitched voice. It was 2 octaves deeper making it both sexy as hell and scary. I quickly saw everyone's reaction the Fucktards that like Deku are blushing and the same color as Shitty hair, while the Bitches are wide eyes with a hint of pink dusted in their fucking ugly faces.

"I-Ugh...I" I was surprised by myself that I was stuttering and I never fucking stutter, WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO ME!!!

A few seconds later I pulled my arms away from his surprisingly strong grasp. He inhales deeply closing his eyes and exhales soundly, when he opened his eyes they were now back to their big shiny ones, He happily went to Pink cheeks and a scared Four-eyes.

I sat down on my seat, and continued to look at my request with One thing in my mind that made me quiet throughout the day, 'I always forget to tell myself not to anger Deku'

Izuku's P.O.V

"S-So why did you even shout in the first place Deku-Kun?" Uraraka-san asked stuttering, I smiled at her before answering, definitely, they got scared from what I did to Kacchan.

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