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Third Person P.O.V

It was currently friday all students of class 1-A just got back from their Vocal exercises at Auidorium Gamma. Everybody slummped their body to their seats as they were tired as hell, but hope was still in their eyes for one its Friday today so no classes tomorrow and they can relax and second of all it's second to the last subject one more to go and their free.

Izuku has his Laptop out on his desk and headphones over his head, Aizawa has given them a little bit of time to rest and because the man was also tired and he didn't want to teach the Noisy class. He was currently editing his latest Dubstep while bopping his head to the beat as he played the song to check if its right.

Kaminari only sat a beside him to his right, he was on his seat playing on his phone when the sound of the Greenettes Music was escaping from his headphones, it wasn't that loud but enough that the Blond boy can hear. He scooted his chair towards the Boy who didn't even noticed he was there, as the blond got closer the music got louder, His eyes went wide on what he was hearing right now. Without hesitation he tapped the shoulder of the younger male making him jump out of his seat and throwing his headphones away from his head.

"Oh god sorry to scare you Midoriya, its just that music your doing is sick" Kaminari complimented at the still scared and shocked Izuku.

"Oh, uh.....t-thank you Kami-Kun, No one has actually heard all of my Remixs before, your kinda the first one" The freckled boy said shyly making the Blond Blush. No one has actually heard Izuku's work for he thinks that its not good and people may not like it. Clearly he was wrong but the Greenette doesn't know ot yet.

'So im his first...maybe i will be his first also...NO KAMI!, STOP BEING HORNY AT THE INNOCENT CINNAMON ROLL' Kaminari thought as he tried to stop the ever so growing boner that he's experiencing right now.

"N-No way Bro, It was so sick, I wanna hear more, If you want to?" The blond asked, He waited a few seconds for the Greenette's response but at the end He just nodded as he handed him his headphones and played the song.

The blond's head keeps bobbing furiously making the others look at him with either wierded out looks or Amusement. Eventually everyone started to get close to them as they asked Midoriya what was happening.

"Oh, I just let him listen to one of my newest Dubstep remake" The greenette said as the Blond took out his headphones and started complimenting the Boy making him blush.

"DUDE THAT WAS SO FREAKING SICK, IS THERE MORE?!" Midoriya just nodded as he opened up a file from his laptop that contains a butt-ton of songs, making everyone gasped as to how many he created and didn't released to the public yet.

"Hey Midoriya, can we listen to them please?" Jiro asked, The boy just nodded slightly as he pulled out his headphone chord and increased the volume of the device.

He played the First one on the list Dubbed as 'SOLAR ABYSS'

"This is actually the first one i ever created. I got inspired by a solar eclipes that happened in Paris a few years ago." The young Greenette said, everyone nodded as they let the song play.

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