Chapter 23: *THE WHAT GROUP?*

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Morning came by and everyone was somewhat pumped up for the day, Maybe because they have their gift being sent to them by their parents, or the food they will prepare for later seeing that they didn't really have time at Christmas so the day after Christmas it is. But also they were excited to hear what was the exclusive song that Izuku and his friends have in their bags but anyways all seemed very energetic today.

Izuku on the other hand had just woke up still snuggled to Chris, He smiled before gracefully getting out of the latter's strong grasp stretching his entire body in front of the one-way mirror in front of him that overlooks half of the enormous school grounds, He can see few students roaming around the campus doing their daily routine of mostly jogging or having breakfast outside. 

He left his Friend to continue to sleep on his bed seeing as how tired he was and left the room, he was now greeted by his other friends also deep in slumber with all sorts of positions. Elaiza being the Mother of the group had her laptop placed on the table adjacent to the sofa where she was sleeping. Darleen on the other sofa just right of where Elaiza was spreading like a starfish, and Damian, being him was covered in books encasing half of his body and paper scattered near him aswell with all sort of mathematical bullshit that Izuku didn't dare to answer or even look. It may seem to others how odd they are and how different they might be from one another but for Izuku this was a callback to hundreds of memories they shared back in Paris especially when they have sleepovers just like this.

As he passed his sleeping friends and into the kitchen to grab a glass of water and start to brew up some fresh ground coffee, He was startled at the sound of the Elevator chiming in. Seeing that only he and a few others know the passcode he was curious as to who was on the other side of the metal sliding doors. 

"G-good morning I-Izu" A familiar low-tone voice greeted nervously.

"Oh, Shinshin you scared me...Good morning to you too. Care to join me with coffee" Izuku greeted the Insomniac back before holding up two mugs. Shinso didn't think of a second before answering with a small nod seeing as this was coffee they were talking about and plus some alone time with the person he likes the most. In the kitchen Island, Izuku had already prepared toast with jam and orange juice they both talked to each other as quiet as possible to not disturb Izuku's visitors but still loud enough for them to laugh at some things they mindlessly say and of course, both clearly have faint redness in their cheeks with Shinso having a more noticeable one.

 In the kitchen Island, Izuku had already prepared toast with jam and orange juice they both talked to each other as quiet as possible to not disturb Izuku's visitors but still loud enough for them to laugh at some things they mindlessly say and o...

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After their small Booster Breakfast, they agreed to go down to the common area to actually start their day.

When the doors opened it revealed their classmates being goofy and themselves again. Back-to-back greetings were made before setting in with the living room area sitting on the edge of one of the sofas next to Todoroki. He then out of nowhere pulled out his laptop then started to type in lighting speed within seconds he was deep in thought and very focused on what was in front of him. The class decided not to interrupt him for now as the silence that fell between all of them was somewhat comfortable and calming, with only the sound of a few chatters here and there, noises from their phone, and the occasional clattering of keys being pressed by Izuku. The class beforehand had made their decision to ask the greenette later or when his friends will eventually wake up.

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