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Izuku's P.OV




I shifted my body to find the source of the sound, I hate loud noises bothering me in the morning so when i got to the ringing which apparantly is from my phone, i immediately threw it towards the door to hard that it broke, Im just gonna have to buy a new one that phone is old anyways, when i got the energy to get out of my bed i turn my gaze towards the grandfatherclock that's inside my room, 7:00well then i still have an hour left, I grabbed the broken phone and threw it in the trash near my study table, I got Connor to prepare my bath, clothes and my bag while doing so i got down to eat, my father was there reading a newpaper and drinking coffee, ths is the actual first time that i see him yesterday he came very late, so i tackled him to a hug why surprised him that he almost threw the coffee at my face.

"Heya Father I miss you" I hugged him, he chuckled as he placed his hands in my cheeks and kissed my forehead, He was wearing his usuall business Suit so i didn't hug him that tightly to prevent it

"I miss you to Zuzu, anyways you need to eat breakfast, your gonna be late for school" He placed down the Drank his coffee, while sat down across him. A maid placed a plate of food which includes french toast, eggs and Bacon followed by coffee.

We ate in silence but it was a comfortable type of silence, only the soft classical music was heard. After eating I got up once again to my room, the bath is ready so i stripped down and bathe. About 20 minutes because im already late I dried myself and change to the super ugly Uniform. I got my bag and checked for everything I grabbed my laptop, headphones and my Microphone leaving the box. Once done i got down only to be greeted again by Father who was standing infront of the doors, I approached him giving him a questioning look.

"I will be joining you to school, if your asking. Now come one Zuzu were gonna be late" He said as I nodded, A white Limo was waiting for us, We got on and settled in. I pulled out my laptop, plugged on my headphones and open up the music editor to finish my new dubstep, Father on the other hand is on his phone, and that reminds my I need a new phone.

"Father I need a new phone, I accidentally threw my phone and it broke can we buy a new one"  I asked,

"Got it,  just wait for the package to arrive at your classroom, What phone do you want?" He asked, I think about  for a minuted before answering,

"Maybe the New Samsung Note 20 Ultra the copper one" I answered, He nodded as he called his assistant, I didn't bother to listen as i put on my headphones and started editing.

After about a 20 minute drive, the view of a large building can be seen, Since we are getting closed i closed my laptop not bothering to shut it off, placed my headphones in my bag.

Many students are walking inside the campus, but once we parked the car infront of the gates all eyes turned to us. I prepared myself so does Father, the driver quickly got out and opened the door for us, Both of us exited as we walked towards the building still many eyes were glued to us. As we got in the building Father walked through the many corridors of the school, I onlyfollowed him. Father stopped at a huge dark oak double door, he knocked first before someone answered a 'come in', He pushed the doors i followed in his side, to be greeted by a fairly small Man sipping tea in his desk, he must be the principal.

"Ah Mr. Midoriya what a pleasent suprise, Come and seat down, and drink some tea" He gestured Father to a set of chairs with a table on top of it was fine china. We both walked towards the direction he gestured and sat down next to eachother. The small man Followed a few minuted holding a small paper bag of which i assume is tea.

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