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After everything has been settled down, [y/n] found a part-time job in a restaurant as a waitress so she could pay her university fees.

"hi, may I take your order?" she went up to a table and gave a smile to the girl, the girl blushed before answering "I will have a beef cutlet along with some orange juice." she spoke shyly.

"and what about you sir?" she asked, avoiding the man's gaze, only looking at the notepad.

The reason why she did that is because the man who was sitting there, was none other than our infamous ankle breaker, Oh sangwoo.

'why do I keep encountering him, I wanna meet yoonbum.' she thought and sighed mentally.

"I would like the same as her." he answered 'GOD WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE SO HOT.' [y/n] nodded and went off to give the order to the kitchen.

After placing the order, she released a breath she didn't know she was holding.

She looked at the clock, it read 7PM.

'1 more hour until I'm done.' she sighed and continued on with her work.

She worked from 5PM to 8PM, before another worker would take over her shift.

[Y/n] grabbed a tray with 2 plates of beef cutlet and 2 glasses of orange juice, as soon as she saw that she groaned, 'I took the tray in a hurry, why do I have to go back to sangwoos table again.' she mentally rolled her eyes before going to the table, noticing the girl had disappeared, she had a confused look on her face.

"she won't be coming back." said sangwoo while she was placing the plates down on the table.

"o-oh? Then should I take this plate away?" she asked nervously, she didn't know what to do, she cant approach him straight up cause it would be weird since they haven't talked to each other in 6 years and sangwoo doesn't look recognisable either, she didn't wanna make herself look suspicious.

"yeah, and bring the bill too, please." sangwoo says, he noticed her name tag, as she was about to leave, he grabbed her hand. "do you need anything else?" she asked, hoping her purposefully making her name tag visible worked.

"your name..." he says and there's a glint of hope in your eyes that he'll recognise her.

"your name sounds familiar, probably one of the girls I fucked." you can literally hear the walls of hope crumbling down. "o-oh I see, I don't recognise you haha." she says while laughing awkwardly.

"Doesn't oh sangwoo ring a bell?" he asks 'omg finally' she thinks before acting surprised "OMG SANGWOO!?" she yells only enough for him to hear

"wh-" before he can say anything she hugs him "it's been a while! You don't remember me???" she acts surprised.

'omg acting fake in my past life really payed off huh' she smirked to herself.

"n-no? Are you perhaps one of the girls I slept with??" he asks and receives a smack on his head "no idiot, it's me [y/n] Kim, remember when we went to high school?? Yoonbum, me and you, does that ring a bell?" she prys, and his eyes widen before a sour expression takes over his face.

"don't. fucking. touch. me. ever. again." sangwoo says gritting his teeth, his reaction halted [y/n] in the place, "w-what?" [y/n] was really surprised this time.

"you're a fucking filth of trash I never want to see again." he says, hatred dripping on every word his spoke, which made [y/n] flinch.

"w-why are you talking to me like that sangwoo? What did I do?" she asks confused, 'I thought he would would be happy to see me,'

"Omg, look you're acting fake again, don't act like you haven't done anything." he says "well at least fucking explain what I did." [y/n] was ticked off.

"it's not really your fucking fault actually, it's mine, I was stupid enough to catch feelings for you only to be rejected at the fucking end cause you had to move out of the country, you toyed with me and my feelings." he says

"Sangwoo, you're really stupid." [y/n] says before storming off to get his bill, this time another waitress came to give that bill.

After sangwoo had payed the bill, he left the restaurant with a smirk on his face. "she's still easy to blame everything on huh? no wonder even after all this time I still fucking like- no, I still fucking love her."

What actually happened was sangwoo planned on killing her family so she wouldn't move out, however that plan was a bit psychotic, so he confessed to her and blamed everything on her. Back then she left with the exact words 'sangwoo, you're really stupid.'

This was unknown to [y/n] of course, because her memory only contained of the events that occured in the past few chapters, she doesn't have any memories which took place between the 6 years, she only believes that she had been away from them and meeting them suddenly.

After all, the italic voice that spoke to her wasn't honest.


[A/N]: how does this book keep getting over 1k views every night like what.... Also do you all like the new cover? 👉🏻👈🏻 ajdkwkxkec anyways, I just really wanna thank you all for 16k reads 💕💘💘💕💘💕💕💕💕

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