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A door appeared in front of her, she took a deep breathe before opening it and going in.

She was in a toilet?

Oop, forgot to explain the situation you're about to go into, you've apparently moved out of Korea 6 years ago, and now you're moving back and you're in the toilet of the airplane. »

“oh, okay thanks I guess, even though you don't deserve it.” she mutters before getting out of the plane bathroom, before spotting her brother and sitting next to him

“hello.” she greeted him and he just looked at her weird before chuckling “who the hells says hello after coming out of the restroom?” he questions while smiling “I do.” she flipped her hair trynna act normal “okay miss gurl.” he says and before she could stop it

“miss who? She not a gurl, It's miss tolër”

“what.” that's all what left from her brothers mouth before [y/n] muttered a quick 'nothing' and it was quite.

“Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Thank you.”

“omg we're landing already?” [y/n] asks, “what do you meay 'already' we were in this flight for 13 hours.” her brother rolls his eyes and she squints at him

“okay my apologies miss gurl.” she quickly says before rolling her eyes ‘I really need to stop quoting those tik tok references 😀’ she makes a quick mental note to herself.

After the plane has landed, [y/n] and her family stayed over at a hotel for the night, their furniture will be reaching Seoul tomorrow anyways, so might as well stay somewhere.

They're moving back to the old house they used to live in few years ago, by few years I mean 1 chapter ago and 40 mins ago for [y/n] 😻

Her brother and her are sharing the same room with two beds meanwhile her parents are staying in another room with only one bed.

“[y/n] I am sus of our parents.” he quickly whispers to [y/n] in the hotel hallway “why?” she whispers back

“I don't want another sibling, you are already annoying enough.” he whisper sighs, [y/n] gives him a light punch in the shoulder and smacks him on head before entering their room.

“come to think of it, this is our first time sharing a room in awhile, we shared rooms when we were younger and it was honestly so fun sketching on your face while you were asleep.” he evil smirks at you, “alr I'm leaving 🚶” you say and turn your foot around to leave the room

“I'M KIDDING! I WON'T DO THAT.” he says trynna convince [y/n] “yes and I believe that totally.” she quickly says before leaving the room.

As she was about to take a turn around the corner, she spotted a familiar face, she quickly hid herself making sure he doesn't see her, she starts peeking from behind the wall


He was with a girl, she locked her arms with him and was hugging him while walking and laughing.

“doesn't he usually take the victims to him house and then kill them? Or wait, is it one of those nights where he just recklessly does stuff.” she mutters to herself.

‘should I follow them?’ she quickly ponders at the thought before deciding she was gonna follow them.
Lol sike, [y/n] isnt that dumb to do that, she behaves like a normal human being and goes back to her room.

The next morning

She was all huddled up in her bed.

“wake up lazy ass.” she heard the brother say as he pulled on her blanket “what the fuck bro, lemme sleep or I'll cut your pp off.” she threatens him

“we have to move to our house remember? We gotta leave in 5 mins if you don't get ready we're gonna leave you here.” he says and she shrugs “fine then leave me here idc”

“alright, I'll tell dad to make you pay the fees, he told me it was around 100,000W (around 100 dollars)” as soon as she heard that, she got up quickly and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

While in the bathroom she noticed her face in the mirror, her brother had scribbled on her face,,



and chaos begin.

[A/N]: this chapter is a filler but I really wanted to make everything settle down in the place before continuing with the main plot 💕



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