Chapter 9 Questions

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"How long has Joe been hitting you" Bill asked pulling out a pen and a pad. When he said his name my hearr started to race, I start to see double, I was shaking. Then it hit me. Adam may get hurt, or killed being to close to me. Joe is crazy. "Alena?" Bill asked his voice urgent. "She's having another panic attack." Adam said getting up and pulling me to the kitchen. He gave me a glass of water. I drunk it, but only little came into my mouth because my hand was shaking like crazy.

I walked in the living room, and sat on the floor. Put my head between my knees,  and breathe. "1,375." I said. Bill and Adam was confuse when I picked my head up. I cleared my throat and spoke more clearer. "Joe has hit me, abused me, hurt me, and threaten to kill me for 1,375 days." I put my head back in my knees ready for the next question.

As I waited I breathe in and out, counting backwards from 10. "Were you ever pregnant and had a miscarriage because of the abuse?" Bill asked me. I shook my head "No." I waited again. This time Adam gave me a water bottle. By the time Bill had his next question the bottle was half empty.

"Do you have any information that can help us?" I thought about it. I wouldn't.....but what do I have to lose. "Regina. She's the women the Joe is cheating on me with. Regina Works. She lives at 290 Brooklyn Rd. Apartment C6. Regina works at the hospital. Joseph, goes to yall bar every Friday. But besides that, I don't know." I said as calmly as I can.

After Bill wrote all the information down he stood. I stood to and Adam was by my side as just incase I fell. "Don't worry. We won't let him get you. Your safe. But be careful.....Adam.....take care of her please." Bill said.  He kissed my forehead, and said "I'll tell Caroline you said hi." He said and I nodded. "Please" is all I could whisper.  With one last look of me and back at Adam. He left.

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