Chapter 16 Meeting

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I walk up to the club and a chill runs down my back. I shake my head, get your head in the game. I walk inside and the smell of liquor hit me hard. I go up to the bar. This is going to be a long night. "What can I get you?" The man behide the counter askes me with a huge smile on his face. I returned the smile back and said "five shots of your best, but strong liquor"

He gives me my shots. And props his elbows on the table top staring at me. "That type of night?" He askes. I laughing wondering what I look like right now. "I wish, it would be better then this." He chuckles, and runs his hand through his hair. "I'm Scott" he reaches out to take shake my hand. I meet it half way, "Alena" Scott stops, and looks around to see if anybody is watching. "Your meeting Joseph County?"

"Yes?" It sounded more like a question then a answer. He walks around the counter and grabs my hand and I follow him to the middle of the dance floor. He puts his hands on my waist and start dancing. "What are you doing?" I ask him, not moving. "Bill sent me here as back up, you just happen to stop by the bar. Start dancing before they see us. We have to blend in."

I do as he say. I turn around and my back it on him and we dance. I feel the liquor in me, and the music in my head that I forget that he is behind me. I don't care anymore. I start dancing on him. Press my butt to him more and grind. Scott's hands are on me. And his lips are at my ear. "Joseph just entered the building. You'll be fine. There are eV under cops in here you can't tell. Your more protected  then you need to be, for the fact I feel your guns pressing in my hip." He tells me a chuckles a little.

" Adam here?" I ask hope in my eyes, as I stare at the doors I'm going to enter in any second. "Yes, our men found him ten minutes before you enter. He's in bad shape, but he'll be fine." I turn around to face him. I lay my head on his chest, and whispered thank you. He kisses my forehead and whispers good luck.

I turn back around, and walk towards the door. I open it and see Joe sitting down. I to him. And he motions me to sit across from him. I sit feeling uncomfortable, and he said these simple words

"Game over, I won and you lost. Did you really think that you can walk away from thought wrong." He got up and slapped me. And I snapped. I can't take it anymore and when turned away I got up and took my gun out and shot him in the back. Once. Twice.  When I was going for a third, someone chokes me from behind.

I can't breathe, I elbow who ever it was and they let go. I punch this person in the face and kick them down. I see Eric from the concer of my eye, and he just shot someone. I finish this person with a shot in the stomach. "ERIC" I yell and run to him. He catches me in his arms and holds me. "You okay? I was trying to get to you when I saw that person choking you." He says and kisses me.

I pull away and say we need to get back up. We start running, bullets are flying, people fighting, and screaming. We run out the door I enter to meet Joe,  and I spot Scott. I run up to him. He wraps his arms around me we run out. Im in my car and so is Eric and Scott. I'm fumbling with keys, and I finally get it in, and speed out.

"What the hell happened in there?" Scott askes, breaking the silence. "So I walk in there and there is a bunch of men in there with guns blocking doors, at windows blah blah blah. So I down across from Joe, and he starts yelling talking about game over, I lost he won. And how I thought I could walk away from him and he got up and slapped me in my face.

I snapped, I was done, so when he turned around I got up and shot him in his back." I shrug like it was nothing, Scott whispered nice. I say thank you and continued. "I shot him twice in the back and when I was going to do a third just for luck someone started chocking me from behind. When I got out of his grip I boxed him a little ending it with a shot to the stomach. Saw Eric met up and ran out. Found you and here we are."

It was quiet. I pull in my driveway and got out of the car. "Umm this isn't the house." Eric says. I got to the door and unlock it. "I know this is my house." when I said that Scott and Eric was alramed and took there guns out just incase. I didn't realize I already had a gun in my hand, so I just follow suit. I walk in and check the house. We were clear. I go upstairs with Eric and Scott on my heals.

I lay the gun on the bed and strip off the clothes I have on. I put on black cargo pants with my tan tims. A black crop top with a leather jacket that came with a hood. I pull my hair out of its high top ponytail. I grab my gun strap I had hid and put it on. Put on all the guns I had strapped on me and my gun I laid on the bed. When I was done I look at the guys. There mouth hanging open. "I wasn't going to change in the bathroom in my owm house. If there was a problem you two could of waited for me down stairs but instead ya'll stayed. So lets go. "

I grab the clothes that I just changed out of and put it on the bed. Took a lighter out my pocket and lit the clothes on fire and watched how it expanded around the room. I look at Scott and Eric and nod. We run down stairs and out the door. In m car and we drive to Adam's house. When we go inside I got my wraps for my hands, a rope, extra bullets, and some extra things and put it in a black small bookbag.

Once were back in the car I look at Scott. "Police station" me and Eric gave the 'what for look' and he answer. "We could use some of the army weapons and get some stuff to help us." I didn't aruge any further and drove to the police station.

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