Chapter 18 So I Thought

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Everything is going to plan, Joe is in jail, I'm happily moving on with the helps of Eric and Scott. Bill's funeral was sad, and it hurt because I saw him like a father to me.

But the one that is going to hurt the most is Adams. Today is his funeral and of course I was invited. Some people say I shouldn't go because it will hurt, others say it's becausd the family knows I killed him.

But I've got nothing to lose. I'm currently working at a diner, living with Eric, seeing Scott everyday. As well as a therapist to help calm my always sudden alertness.

Sleeping each night with a gun in my hand. I almost shot Eric one night but that was because he was trying to put me in bed.

Sitting in the car on my way to the church, I start to hum the song my mom used to sing. And before I knew it I was crying harder then I've ever been before.

Eric pulled over so he can hold me. Whispering smooth comfortable words in my ear. Eventually I stopped crying and we made it on time.

Seeing Adam in that casket hurt me more than ever. Knowing that it was me that put him in there. Till my phone start to ring . When I looked at it, it said unknown. Pulling Eric to the side, and motioning Scott over I answered.


"Miss me? See baby cakes I told you, you can't put me away. I have given you the easy way out but you took it too far. I will be out soon and when I am I'm coming for you. Till then I'm going to give you a sneak peek at what's coming for you."

"what do you me-"

That's when it happen. Bombs blow up, the body in the casket flew out in front of me. People with guns hitting people. Airplanes above attacking. Yelling, Screaming, people on fire. Couldn't hear a thing. Running for dear life.

As I'm running with Eric and Scott by my side we take our guns out. Shooting everyone that attacked us as we made our way to the car.  When we got there the car was already on fire. Looking around, I could barely see because of the smoke. Finally I found a car and I went after it. 

Breaking the window, I hot wire the car and pull  up on the side off the guys and we took off.

the phone in the car started to ring as were on our way to the house. Scott answered it this time. "Hello?" He says, more like questioning it.

"I told you. What I want I get!! Now have a nice night till then." then the phone line went dead.

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