Chapter 11 She's dead

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My legs are shaking. Hands clutched to the bed sheets. The sound of moans. His name, my name being called. Headboard. Fast. Slow. Rocking. His body on mine. My body on his. In every position. Screams. Bitten pillows. Clothes flying. Music playing. Anger. Happiness. Tears, because I'm afraid I'm never going to feel this again. His body......his lips. He kisses every part of me. But there is one problem. It's not my husband. And I realize. I'm still a married woman, having sex with a single man. Living with that single man. But God, he is just so sweet.

"I want a divorce." I say to Adam while we're lying in the bed, from doing it the 7th time tonight. Adam looks at me like I lost my mind. And before I let him speak I continued. "I gave it alot of thought, and it only seems fair. Also I need to start living. And I need my stuff back so-" Adam interrupts "Woman we ain't married yet, so for you to call a divorce on me is just dead wrong. When you say you gave it alot of thought I hope you meant our future wedding. And DAMN. it is fair.

I waited almost my entire life to ask you to marry me. And when you say 'you need to start living' that better mean living with me. Cause you can't get all this sexy anywhere else. Which brings me back to point a. We aren't married yet so the stuff that you want back ain't here because your hiding." I let Adam finish his speech. Looked at him and asked are you done. "And another thing do-" I laughed "I was being sarcastic.

And when I said divorce I meant between me and Joe. And I did give it alot of thought, because I'm stilled a married women. And I'm messing with a single man. So it seems fair that I get a divorce now because who knows what the future might hold. I want to start living my life again. Being happy. And I need my stuff back from my house. " I said telling Adam what I meant.

He was quite. Then climbed on top of me and propped his elbows on either side of my head. "Well we can scratch sleeping with an marry women off my bucket list. Thank you joe." Adam said laughing. I chord with him. "Now that I know you meant Joe when you said that........then I will be gladly to help." I kissed him and told him that he was an asshole. He laughed while kisssing back. "I see we are scoring for an 8th time." I say laughing. He stops and looks at me "WOMAN IM SCORING FOR A BABY. IM GONNA GET YOU PREGNANT IN EVERY POSITION." And with that I laughed.


(Next morning)

Bang bang bang bang bang.

The door was pounding like crazy. "Get the door" Adam yells at me laughing. I rolled my eyes. "I got it last time it's your turn." Still trying to wake up. I look at Adam and he is fake sleeping. " Adam opened the door." Adam drags out the bed and put his boxers on. "I'm tired. Look what you did to me 8 times." He said on his way to the door. "If I remember, you said you was trying to get me pregnant. IN EVERY POSITION. I didn't think you meant it. We just fell alseep 2 minutes ago."

"Look" he says, hand on the door. Before opening it, he looks at me and continues "if that didn't get you pregnant then I don't know what will. I think I broke myself." I laughing now. Wide awake. Door opens, and then it's closed. Adam runs to me and helps me put clothes on. And rushes me to the door. He then runs, almost jumping into bed to hide. I'm dying now.

I open the door and surprised to see Bill standing there.

" you know how Regina Works looks like." I hear Adam fake coughing a say no. And I laugh even more. Bill looks upset. "Alena this is serious." I look behind me and Adam is doing the fake I just woke up. "Ummm yes I did see what Regina looks like, but what does that have to do with me? I ask, confused. Adam walks to my side and yawns. "Oh Bill!" He says it like he was shocked to see him. I'm laughing again. I elbow Adam in the stomach and he's on the ground. "Man down. Man down. I told you I think I'm broken, and you are just going to disrespect me...I got you later. I'm going to bed." Adam says crawling. "Sorry about that we just fell alseep.

But what about Regina?" I tell and ask Bill. He took out a picture of Regina and ask if that's her. I told him yes. He says the next three words I didn't think would effect me.

But it does.

"Regina is dead."

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