Chapter 8 The Knock

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When I woke up, my body was sore. Sun light was shining like crazy. I relize I was alone in the bed. Looking around, I couldn't find Adam. I rushed out of the bed, tripping on my own two feet. "Adam?" It sounded more like a question then me saying his name. Something white and red caught my eye as I headed for the bathroom. It was a note, a rose, and breakfast. The note read

Roses are red, violets are blue. Enjoy this breakfast in bed, ill be back soon. Help yourself to anything you want. Bill will be there to ask you a few questions. My number is at the bottom of this paper if you need anything.
Love you.
Adam 203~112~8878

I put the rose to my nose, so I can smell it. I took a piece of bacon, and ate it. Went to the bathroom. Brushed my teeth, washed my face. And went to go eat. As I ate, I watched Romeo and Juilet. I'm going to admit, I cried.

After washing the dish I used, someone knocked on the door. I was careful not to say anything. Walking quietly to the door, I looked through the peek hole, and a sighed of relief rushed over my face. As I open the door, Bill's mouth hung open. My face turned red as I relize I only have my underwear, bra, and Adam's botten up. "Bill. I didn't think you would come this early. Please come in" I say all innocence. Bill walks in, and as I follow him into the living room I hadn't relize what a mess we made last night.

I started to blush even more. Bill sat down and I botten the shirt I had on all the way up. I sat in the chair across from him, smiling. "Your glowing." He noted, and continued "And what's that...a hici" Bill said shaking his head. That's when I heard keys at the door. I jumped up and rushed to open it. Standing there was the most beautiful man I ever saw. I jumped on him and gave him a kiss. As he walked through the door, he laughed.

Bill cleared his throat, and Adam put me down, but kept his arm around my waist. "A hici?" I asked Adam. He laughs, and show me his. I died then. Adam bends down and whispers "by the way I love my shirt on you" I giggled. Bill cleared his throat again. Adam sat down on the chair and recline, as I was walking to the other chair, Adam pulled me onto his lap.

"Good morning Bill." Adam said. Bill nod, and took out a pen and pad. "Now" he said serious.

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