Chapter 20 I'm home

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Pulling up to a dirty white house, trash all over the front yard, broken windows. Spray painted words all over the house. Just looking at the house brings me to tears.

I stop in the driveway. Well what ever is left of it. Looking at Eric, squeezing his hand then walked out the car. Sitting on the hood of the car joined by Eric at my side.

"If were going to go through with this marriage, you need to see the real me. This house right here" I say while shaking my head.

"This house right here is where I first started. I was mever born rich and Joe sure didn't get me there. We were broke. And I didn't know it.

I knew we wasn't rich but we had food, clothes on our backs and a roof over our heads. Trying hard to study and keep our money because every night somebody was getting shot

Somebodys house was getting broken into and robbed. Nobody here was safe. My brother and I worked so hard in school and we got scholarship. We both had jobs including our parents.

My brother picked up two jobs while my father had three. Mom two me one. We had to hussel to get to where we are now.

My brother ending up in trouble because he was selling dope. If it wasn't for my father my brother would be dead. He dropped out of highschool, completely forgot about his

Scholarship. He joined the army and send us money. It was my brother that got us through. We moved out of this neighborhood and my moom got a better job

Worked for the state and made alot of money. Met Joe in my senior year in high school, and he told me that if I loved him I wouldn't go to college because I can trust him to rich and stay with money.

But because I worked so hard for it I went to college and finished. By that time my mom retired and we was wealthy. With the money still coming in from my brother, my moms job

And my fathers three jobs plus mine we went huge. But money didn't change me it changed my mother. So I married Joe out of spit towards my mother.

When my father died it was the end of the world for me because he was the only one who understood me and my brother was already gone and it hurts to know I was on my own with a selfish mother who forgot where she came from and who she is.

But here we are. Here I am making it work with a great man by my side that I'm going to marry, a bestfriend thats here for me. And I'm proud of what I've come through.

And I'm not ashamed of it."

I say finally catching my breath. Lopking up at Eric, he takes me holds me. Kisses my head over and over. Just keeps kissing me and holding me.

"I don't care if you were broke now, then, or in our future. Because love don't cost a thing. What you went through is the reason why you are ten times the women you are today.

And I admire that and you. You're whole family I have respect for because you guys pulled it together. You guys made it. And that's not easy. I'm proud of you

And thank you. Thank you for trusting me with this. Thank you for believing in me. It must be alot because of your mom, Joe, and Adam but....I can't stress this out enough.

But say thank you. Lets go home. Our home."

Eric is different from him. From both of them. He gives me my space, gives me as much time as I need. Holds me when I need to be held. Knows how to hold me. Every kiss feels like a new one. Like our first kiss every time. I'll never understand how my mother is doing what shes doing till this day. I know I'm only 28 but I will show her and everyone eles that I will survive this is my comeback. My happy ending. Showing my life isn't over just yet. And thanks to Joe I have the chance to live my life a second time. Telling the police made me reborn. I came out and found out things about me I never thought I'll be able to do. And thanks to Eric I'll be able to live my second life the way I want to live it.

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