Chapter 12 New information

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I'm confused. How could she be dead when three days she was about to join us for dinner? Bills the first one to speak. "When we went to the house to ask a few questions, no one answered. A car was parked in the drive way. So we bust through the door. But we was too late. We found her on the kitchen floor, bleeding to death. By the time the she got to the hospital, it was too late..........looks like she got into a fight because there were bruises on her. A knife in her hand. They checked the body but there were no jabs or cuts."

I was shaking my head. Only one person I know would do that. But why. I don't understand. If he loved her, then why. I know he loves her because when we made love he always said her name. He was always doing stuff for her. Then it hits me. "Regina was pregnant." Bill looked at me, like I was crazy. I started pacing back and forth, while I explain what I meant. "Joseph always said that if we got pregnant and refuse to get an abortion. He was going to beat us to death. She must of be pregnant." I stopped and shouted what about the baby, what happened.

Bill tried to calm me down. But it didn't work."before she died we took the baby out, because it was dying. The baby girl was born a week early. She gave birth before she died. Her water broke........Now with this new information, I'm guessing Regina was hiding from Joe because she wanted the baby. And when Joe found out he beaten her to death."

I sat down, and Bill followed me in. We talked about the baby and where she's going to live, and contacting Regina's family members. When Bill got I followed him out the door. "We found this information last night at 7:30. Tahlia was born at 8:10pm. She is beautiful......we came by here at 11:37pm and banged and banged on this door, but apparently you guys couldn't hear, because of the music." Bill's eyes went wide in disgust.

My cheeks are burning now. "WELL MAYBE IF MISSY OVER THERE DIDN'T SHOOT FOR ANY 8TH WE PROBABLY WOULD OF ANSWER." Adam shouts from the bed. Now my face is red. I looked at Bill and asked him what time is it. He said 12:27pm. Before I could respond to Adam I was stuck on stupid. "12:27PM.....MAYBE IF ADAM OVER THERE NEVER TRIED TO GET ME PREGNANT IN EVERY POSITION, AND THE FACT WE JUST FELL ASLEEP.." I shouted at Adam who is now laughilong. I turn to Bill and said "then maybe we would of answer the door." Bill is now laughing,

And with that he lefted.

I close the door. And look at what I got on. I shook my head and grabbed my towel and headed for the bathroom. Adam stops me almost slamming into his body. "Hi" he whispers. "Why are you whispering?" I ask him.

Adam takes my hand, and goes into the bathroom with me. And shuts the door.

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