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sorry it took me long for you to wait, I was drawing this new daminette art of mine and I tried having marinette in a long braided hair. Hopefully you, readers, find this a spectacular art cuz this just popped in my head. Daminette on a date.

share your opinions about this drawing. Star and comment if you like.

once again, 


"Good afternoon Chloe, how was the presentation? Sorry about that, my mother requested my presence due to an inconvinience situation." Kagami took a sit beside her at the bench.

"Don't worry... It went well but... Its just tomorrow..." Chloe lets go of her charm on her bag and looks at Kagami with fear.

"I'm not ready to see her... I'm scared..." Chloe said in a shaky voice.

"Chloe, I too, am scared. But we cannot wait any longer. This is our only chance. Damian has already set us an invitation to his manor."

"I know that..."

"Then what else is bothering you...?" Kagami lifted her chin at her angle, eye to eye contact, gently.

"I just want to see her... Awake... Eyes open with those ridiculous bluebells." Chloe clicked her tongue in annoyance, although was shared with sorrow.

"I am wishing for that as well. Come, let's take a walk. I have already told mother that I will be doing a project with you."

"You're really good at making excuses." Chloe chuckles lightly and stood, hoisting her sling bab on over her head.

"Yes, and its always why my father gets excused by mother." Kagami joined in her light laugh.


Bustier guided her students off the plane with instructions, smiling. When she her feet sets to Gotham's ground she was approached with a suited man and a cap.

"Hello, you must be Madame Bustier, Mr.Wayne has already organized a bus for your students, right this way Madame."

Thank goodness, Bustier thought. Since she was low average on English.

"Ah yes, thank you." Bustier thanked the man and turn to her students.

"Class, listen, listen, please get your belongings inside the bus and do not make a mess. Please don't forget to double check your things. Now, onto the bus. Kim, please help rose with her luggage."

The students nodded and followed their teacher to the bus. Adrien, Chloe and Kagami placed themselves at the back of the bus with no intention of mingling with others.

The three enjoyed their own world until Adrien suddenly grip on his chest area in pain, hissing and groaning.

"Adrien...! What's wrong? Are you okay?" The girlfriends went quickly to him, helping him breathe calmly.

"It... It hurts... Ack..." Adrien leaned on the window with his head, his hands still gripping on his shirt.

Chloe felt too weird too and even Kagami. Chloe was about to call their teacher but adrien held her on. Shaking his head as no.

"Don't worry... It's doesn't hurt anymore."

"Are you kidding me? You are still hurting and you don't want me to call for help?" Chloe clicks her tongue in annoyance.

Kagami sighed in relief that her friend was alright. Then, they wandered their eyes on the black kwami on his lap. The bus then began.

Even the God of destruction and bad luck was having a hard time breathing.

"Plagg, are you alright?" Kagami asks as she was wiping Adrien's sweat on his forehead.

"Not good kid... This place reeks evil..." Kagami, Chloe and Adrien look at each other in confusion before going back to Plagg.

"How so...?" Chloe adjusted herself back to her place.

"I don't know... But I can feel Tikki--no..." Then, Plagg's tense body suddenly worried them.

"What's wrong?" Adrien asks lightly as he sat himself straightly.

"Something is wrong... I feel it... An entity is interrupting the Ladybug." The three of them flinched.

"What entity?" Adrien stroke the black cat's ear's behind.

"I don't know kid, it feels evil but it has the Ladybug's aura. It's an ancient one." Plagg went back to Adrien chest pocket.

"We will have to continue this at the hotel, night. It seems we have an annoyance visitor." Kagami straighten her posture, glaring at the brunette wearing an orange sleeves with two sausage styled hair.

"Hello Lila, what brings your here?" Chloe was obviously seething in anger. She was crossing her arms on her chest. Her nails digging through her clothe.

"Oh I just miss talking to you guys. Now why don't we have a decent conversation while waiting, is that okay?" The three could literally see her smirk.


Clark had just entered the room and then he suddenly was face with his team's tense atmosphere. He noticed all their stares at him.

"Uh... Is something wrong guys?" The someone emerge from the other entrance.

"Yes, and its not something that we should take it as a joke." Zatanna, together with John sat on the other end.

"So what are we dealing now...?" Superman placed himself on the chair.

"I can only define it as 'not friendly'..." Zatanna replied, casting a shadow on her eyes.

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