/𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦/

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The bright sun bounced off my closed, tired eyelids. When they finally opened up, they were greeted by the big ball of fire right through the window.
'This will be something to get used to'

The old wooden floorboards creaked as I stepped barefoot to the door. When I finally reached the kitchen after going down two sets of stairs, I was greeted by Aunt Mary, Jacob and Bri. Mary was making breakfast while the kids were sat at the table, staring at their phones.

My Uncle, Terry, passed away a few years ago. I wasn't too close with him but it still hurt a bit inside. He died of brain cancer. It was a long fight but he eventually gave up. All I really know about him is that he was a very successful man. He made millions by owning a company. But someone already took his place as the head boss. Mary wasn't able to work for it because of her kids and paintings.

"How'd you sleep?" Mary said enthusiastically while frying some eggs.
"Good I guess." I shrugged. I wasn't very talkative in the mornings.

I awkwardly took a seat at the table while the two other kids began staring at me intensely.
"Is... there a problem?" I hesitated.
Bri began laughing as she quickly looked away.
"Nah, surprise staring contest!" She cackled.

"Oh good one Bri!" Mary cheered.
Jacob just laughed at Brianna's antics.

'This is gonna be fun.'


After breakfast, I returned back up stairs to take a shower. Grabbing some random clothes out of my suitcase, my phone began buzzing.

'One new message from Georgie'
'One missed call from Georgie'
'One missed call from Georgie'

Quickly, I entered the message app and facetimed him.
After 2 rings, he answered.

"Y/N!" He yelled into the phone. His face was close up to the camera in a goofy way.

"Yes? Yes? What is it?" I asked, uncontrollably smiling by the fact that I was talking to him again.

"How is it in Cali??"

"It's good, how are you? what's up with Thing one and Thing two?" I grinned.
"Oh my god, Clay won't stop bothering me about.. what's her name.. oh! yeah, Lily! She's all he ever talks about." He whined.

A sly grin spread across my face. I remember the events that happened at the carnival that one night. The constant flirting, the piggyback ride, even the intense blushing Lily gave off every time I brought up Clay's name.

"What about Nick?"

"Oh my god, he is absolutely head over heels for Jamie."

His whines were followed by my laughs.

"Oh! Did you open the book yet?"

I totally forgot about the book. My eyes shot up and I rushed over to my backpack. Pulling out the brown book carefully, I returned back to my phone.
"So I open it now?" I teased, taunting the book towards the camera.

"Yes! Cmon, open it!" He groaned impatiently.

I lifted the cover off and examined the first page. The paper was a light beige with tiny rips at the edges to give it a vintage look. The ink was a delicate black, wrote in italics, was my name.

"What is this?" I whispered cautiously before turning to the next page.

I turned the page and found a small box in the top corner that had tiny doodles of flowers on the corners. Inside the box read: Lavender.

I guess he saw my confusion so he decided to explain.
"So, the point of this book is to find the flower that tells you, and press the certain flower in the certain page. I thought it would be a neat idea to get you out of the house every once in a while, I mean, you're in California! Think of how many flower fields there are!"

I began to think George was more excited about the flowers than I was. He got all smiley and giddy as he blabbered on about the different types of flowers. It was cute.

"So? What do you think?" He asked, he sounded like he was praying to god that I would say I liked it.

"Yes! It's really cute! I just don't know why you wanted me to wait to open the book."
I wasn't lying, I really liked the idea of pressing flowers, it's a nice hobby, I used to do it when I was younger with my mom.

"I wanted to see your reaction."
"Awe you're too cute."
"Oh shut up."

I could see him blushing already. He picked his phone up and held it weirdly close to his face. He then scrunched up his nose and stuck his tongue out while staring intently.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as he stayed in this position, especially when he was just being silent.

"Are you oka-?"
He cut me off with a small fart noise coming from his tongue.

Before I could even open my mouth to react he started laughing manically then hung up immediately.

I spent the next 5 minutes laughing silently while holding my stomach to keep from cramping. I checked my phone finally to see if he texted anything remotely that made sense. Nothing.
I sighed  and laid back on my bed. I thought about the book. Since when did he get such an interest in flowers? I looked out the window above me and saw nothing but a bright blue sky. There were no clouds in sight. I figured I should probably get out of the house and explore the city.

I put on some comfortable shoes and waved to my aunt goodbye. Walking down the long driveway was already exhausting, especially in the smoldering heat.

They didn't live in a neighborhood, it was more of a random house in the middle of no where. Except it wasn't "no where", the entire city was in view as we were on a pretty high hill.

A soft breeze blew past my hair as I took in the fresh smell of the air. I stood on the edge of a small cliff, about 10 feet high from the ground below. I was astonished when I realized the hundreds of flower fields there were below. Rows of colors covered the bright green grass.

I checked the first page of the book and read the flower.
"Lavender." I said under my breath.

I took a path down the hill and stepped through the knee-high grass, finally,  reaching the flowers.

It was beautiful. The air was so quiet too. The only sounds were distant chirps and the small buzzes from bees.

I spotted a group of purple flowers in the distance. My heart picked up a bit and I hopped my way through the different bushes and grass.

Kneeling down, I touched the light purple plant in front of me. Lightly brushing the tiny petals with my fingers. The delicacy of the light purple turning into a gradient violet. I slid my finger down the stem and stopped halfway. Picking the at the stem, I held the delicate flower in my hands. I opened the book and gently placed it in the page.

Later that night, I laid in my room. Just staring out the window. The nighttime stars were so oddly interesting to look at. The window was open, allowing a cool breeze enter my room and give my skin goosebumps. The book sat on my night stand. Multiple heave books stacked up on for the flower pressing process.

I didn't know when or even if we were moving out of this house. My mom had gone searching around the city earlier for new places to work. We were struggling badly with money because of the plane ticket it took for us to get here. Aunt Mary was kind enough to let us stay.

My mind started falling into deep thoughts. Everything that has happened in the past 3 weeks has gone by so fast. First of all, I finally got the courage to tell my mom what was going on, then the plan backfiring and us having to move across the country, then confessing my love for George.... then saying goodbye.

It all just feels so unreal. It doesn't feel like normal life anymore. I barely get a say in what's happening. It's all my fault.
It's my fault I tore my parents apart.
It's my fault my siblings won't have a dad anymore.
It's my fault we had to move.
It's my fault I won't get to see the only people I've ever trusted anymore.

It's my fault.

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