/𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑛𝑒/

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The loud ringing of my alarm blared in my ears causing me to wake up with a jolt. My tired eyes slowly opened to reveal the big neon green numbers on my alarm clock, 7:15.

"damnit" I muttered under my breath. School starts in 15 minutes. I went to bed around 3am last night overthinking about today. My first day of senior year. I'm hoping this year will be different than the others. The last three years at this school were nightmares.

"Y/n! You're gonna be late for school!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

I finally sat up and dragged my feet to my closet. With a big yawn, I took out an outfit.
I picked out my favorite pair of ripped jeans, a white tank crop top, and an oversized grey hoodie to layer with. I brushed my hair, did my makeup, brushed my teeth and was all ready to go.

"Have a good day mom, love you!" I said as I closed the front door. I didn't bother eating breakfast, I only had about 10 minutes left.

My car was in the repair shop so I had to walk to school until they got it fixed. My mom was always busy with my little sister and brother and getting them ready for school, so she could drive me either. And I know for sure I'm not riding the bus.

It only took about 10 minutes to get there so I had time. The sky was a nice pale blue with little to no clouds. The leaves on the trees were starting to change bright orange which were also starting to fall of their branches. It was a warm day with a cool breeze blowing through my hair.

I finally reached the front doors of the school and pushed them open. The first thing I saw was Lily and Jamie. They were my first friends when I moved to this city in Florida in freshman year. They've helped me through it all.

"Bitchhh, we've been waiting for you!" Lily squealed pulling me into a hug.
"I missed you so much!" Jamie laughed.
"You saw me two days ago." I smiled.
"Whatever." Jamie mumbled.

"Oh my god, Y/n, have you seen the new kid here?" Lily said excitedly.
"Um no I-" Jamie cut me off.
"He's so cute, I heard he's from England." Jamie squealed.
"Uh no I haven't heard, but I'm sure I'll see him around." I smiled softly.

I wasn't as boy crazy as them. I didn't seem to have a big crush on most guys at our school either.

"I have to get to class, I'll see y'all at lunch?" I said trying to change the subject.
They both nodded and waved goodbye.

'Mrs. Johnson, Science' My planner read.
The class was all the way across the school and I only had a couple minutes to get there. I held my science textbooks that were too big to fit in my bag tightly to my chest and began walking.

I was speed-walking down the narrow hallway and up the many stair cases. I don't think I was even looking where I was going from how fast I was going.

I noticed her class at the end of the hall and began walking even faster. There was a locker open with a student digging through it so I made sure to path my way away from it.

Just as I was walking past it, the student slammed the locker  and ran right into my path. I couldn't stop myself so I ended up running into him.

I stumbled to the ground, my textbooks falling messily beside me. I thought this only happened in the movies, please just let this be a dream.

I sat up holding my head from the fall.
I looked up to see a rather handsome boy
He had dark brown hair with soft glossy dark brown eyes. He was smiling, oh his smile. His eyes squinted as he showed his perfect white teeth.

I quickly snapped myself back into reality to realize the embarrassing situation I was in.

He kneeled down in front of me, a sly grin creeping up on his lips.

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