/𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛/

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The plane ride to California was long and tiring. There were several babies in the back screaming their heads off, turbulence every 10 minuets, and the annoyance of my own brain.

Down at my feet, my backpack sat unzipped slightly. The small brown book completely in sight of the small hole. I was so eager to open it.

The angel on my shoulder was telling me to wait, the devil on the other was telling me to just open it. I mean, what was the worst that could happen? George wouldn't know..

But I stuck to his request and zipped up the backpack and leaned back on my chair, trying my hardest to find a comfortable position in the tiny space given.

I peered out the window and found the most beautiful sight. We were above the clouds, like we were swimming in a pool of fluff. The sun illuminated the clouds a rose gold. Soft pink and slight orange glistening on the horizon.

I put in my ear buds to try and muffle out the screaming on the children. Scrolling through the long playlist, I settled on the song, "Bubblegum, by Clairo"

The song began playing.

"Sorry I didn't kiss you.."

I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the window.

"Cause' I swallowed the bubblegum.."
"And in only 7 years, we'll be pretty dumb"

I felt my senses lose power as I drifted off to sleep. My head sometimes rattled against the aircraft but the music drowned everything out.

"Psst, Y/n, wake up, we're here.."

I picked my head up from the window, startled.
My mom was towering over me while holding bags. People were walking down the narrow arrow with their belongings. I checked back out the window and saw a nighttime sky, speckles of lights in the distance, the city.

After getting everything, we finally stepped out of the large LAX airport. The warm California air greeted me. It wasn't that different from Florida but it felt more humid than normal.

An Uber waved over at us and lured us into his car. My mom sat in the front while my siblings and I sat in the back, crammed. The uber was nice besides the fact he was a bit sketchy.

My mom gave him the destination of our aunt's house and we were off.

Still half asleep, I stared out the window. The highway was packed with buzzing cars, surprising because it was 1am in the morning. When we got to the city, many buildings and shops lined up the busy streets. Palm trees were planted on almost every sidewalk, making the pale white concrete look even more formal than it already was. When we got to a road that drove past the ocean, I was immediately intrigued. It wasn't like any ocean back in Florida. The sand was a porcelains white, the water was calm with little ripples near the shore. The pier had tall lamppost that illuminated a blue glow across the water.
There were some groups of friends in bathing suits, dancing around a small bonfire. It made me want to go out there so bad.

The beaches back home were nice but, the people there were what made it miserable. There were always college student going there and completely trashing the place. Empty cans of beer, cigarette butts left all over in the sand, even some parts of the water were polluted with weird chemicals. I mean, it's Florida, what do you expect.

The man finally pulled up in front of a large, nicely built house. It was alone on top of a large hill, covered with a variety of flowers. My mom tipped the driver and we all stumbled out of the car. Mom got the suitcases from the trunk while I got my siblings things.

"Oh you're here! So nice to see you!!" Aunt Mary cheered as she opened the large, wooden front door wide.

Aunt Mary was a rather skinny lady, she had long brown hair that was starting to shine grey at the sides. She often wore it in a long braid. She's an artist too, she makes beautiful peices of art that she sells around the city. She has two kids, Brianna and Jacob.

Bri is 14 years old while Jacob is 16. They both are pretty annoying kids but they were easy to get along with. Well, I've only met them once and I was around 13 at the time so some things could have changed.

"How's my favorite little sister?" Aunt Mary laughed as she pulled my mom into a big hug.

"And you!" She smiled looking at me.

"You've grown so much! You're such a beautiful young lady!" She praises as she pulled me into a hug, tightly crushing my lungs.

I stepped into the home and felt relaxed, but, there was still that low feeling in my brain, scratching at the happiness and hope I was trying to gain.

My aunt showed me to my room all the way up in the attic. It was overall nice for an attic. The floors were nice wooden planks that creaked only a little bit. The roof was slanted slightly with a large window on it. The window was right above a full sized bed.

I threw my things in the floor and tiredly climbed onto the bed. Laying on my back, I peered out the large window above me. The sky was pitch black with spots of blue and purple. The stars glistened like no other stars I saw before. Not even the ones I saw with George.

My curiosity got the best of me, I twisted the lock at the bottom and pushed the window open. Sitting up, my torso and up stuck out of the roof. The roof had black shingles that had enough grip that you could step on. The light breeze blew past me, rustling my hair behind my ears. The view from up here was unbelievable. It had the whole city in view. The skyscrapers, the tall power lines, even the Hollywood sign was in the far distance on the large hill.

I crossed my arms and leaned them on the edge of the frame. Resting my head on my arms, I smiled slightly. I wish I could watch this view forever.. but I wish George could be here to see it too.

Oh what I would do... to be with George right now.

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