Book 1: Chapter 52

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Okay here is the start of Rose, and a bit of a fluff toward the end with 9 and Harmony. Anyway hope you enjoy and if there are any mistakes tell me and I will fix them. Also please review it means a lot, i just have 4 more episodes to write and the end of the book, then onto the next, but i wont get too far ahead of myself.


"Good morning Jack!" I say bouncing around the hub, while Jack was basically still asleep with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"How are you so awake, especially this early?" he mumbles out.

"Well today is March 4, 2005. That means that today is when the 9th Doctor is going to show up, after work for me and Rose. And the start of a long friendship and adventures with Rose" I say grinning still bouncing around and kiss his cheek.

"Can you stop acting all bubbly, please. It's too early for you to be acting this way…" he says to me then must of finally looked at me and he shot up and looked at me closely. "Are you wearing a dress? You hate dresses, it's hard to even get you in one, let alone see you wear one willingly" he says and I huff and cross my arms over my chest.

"I don't like them, but I want to wear one today since it's special and plus it's comfortable. I want to look nice when the Doctor shows up" I say checking my outfit. It was a dress that wen down to my knees but I was also wearing leggings under it and I had on my new combat boots that River got me. The dress itself as a light baby blue top part with a sort of dark blue plaid bottom part as if it were a top and a skirt, I also had my hair up in a clip so it flowed at the top.

"Alright, alright" Jack says holding up his hands in defense then going into a pout, "Does this mean you are leaving soon?" he asks me and I just laugh.

"There is no way you could ever get rid of me Jack, I am stuck with you for life, and you are stuck with me for life." I say grinning and launch myself at him wrapping my arms around his neck and holding onto him. "Plus, I have your name on my arm, or well your nickname Boe" I say to him.

"Wouldn't dream of letting go of you my little Ladybug. Someone has to look after you when the Doctor can't. You spending the night at Rose's then?" he asks me and I let go of him and nod.

"Yea, after what is going to happen, and if you must know you cannot call, I already told Jackie you were leaving to do some more traveling today, so whatever happens tonight, don't call me I will be fine." I tell him sternly knowing he would call me to make sure I was okay after Henrick's basically explodes. "And I wish I could spend more time with you, but can't" I say and kiss his cheek and go to leave.

"As long as you be careful Ladybug!" he yells to me and I turn to face him.

"Course I am, it's the Doctor who gets me into trouble, not the other way around, Jack. Bye love you big brother, stay alive for me!" I yell as I go to leave.

"Even if I wanted to I can't die remember!" he yells back.

"Well then don't purposefully get yourself killed alright?" I tell him and just see his hand wave as I leave.


I was now waiting in the living room of the Tyler's flat waiting for Rose to come out.

"Bye" Rose says kissing her mother's cheek, though still not as awake as I seemed to be she was wearing a pink colored jacket with a light purple shirt under it as well as black pants.

"Bye Jackie, see you later" I yell as we leave.

"See you two later!" Jackie yells from the couch as we leave.

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