Book 1: Chapter 7

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Hello, so this is one part because I am going to do if it is a two part episode, one chapter for each episode will work, tomorrow I will post the other half. Also if there are any mistakes please tell me so I can fix them.

Please follow and review it really helps, can we try and get to at least 6 reviews. Thanks now enjoy.


"Oh no, you are not going back to sleep, I said to go get dressed, not go back to sleep" I heard someone say, but decided to ignore it and sleep more.

"No, you are not going back to sleep, you need to get up" I heard the voice say and suddenly the covers were gone.

"No…cold, give 'em back….'m tired, wanna sleep, don't wanna get up" I mutter and sit to try and reach and grab the blanket back with my eyes closed.

"No, I told you to get dressed, not crawl back into bed, so get up" I hear him say.

I groan and open my eyes to see who disturbed my sleep and notice that it is the ninth Doctor. "Just because you tell me to do something doesn't mean I will do it, plus the fact that I'm not the same Harmony you sent to change, so I or she or whatever future me must have been yelling at you that she was leaving, but you were too busy doing something else and didn't hear her. I sassed at him and reached for the covers in his hands.

He pulled it away from me and I frown. "Come on please let me sleep" I tell him reaching a little more, but end up falling off the bed.

"Ouch…Oi! Quit laughing, it's not funny, it hurt" I pout at him as he laughs at my pain.

"No, you are not going back to sleep, you could have been sleeping for hours maybe, so no, go get changed, I will meet you out in the console room with Rose" the Doctor told me and left the room.

"Oh, go get dressed he says, rude I tell you absolutely rude, especially nine, really, really rude and insulting, he better not get on my bad side, or this next trip will be hell." I say to myself.

I get up and go to the closet and look inside to see an outfit already there it was a shirt with the American Flag on it, and a pair of jeans and running shoes. "Wait, oh come on, no Sexy, I can't wear this, if we are going to 1941 then I really shouldn't wear this, please pick something else for me to wear, please" I plead to the Tardis and close the closet only to open it back up again with the same outfit and I groan.

"Fine, fine, I will wear the stupid shirt. Hey at least I get to meet Jack, right, at least something will be good about this." I tell myself.


As soon as I was dressed I started to walk to the console room and everything started to shake and alarms blared out and I quickly ran to the console room.

"Mauve?" I heard Rose say as I entered the console room.

"The universally recognized colour for danger." I tell her smiling at finally getting to meet her.

"What happened to red?" she asks turning to me.

"That's just humans. By everyone else's standards, red's camp. Oh, the misunderstandings. All those red alerts, all that dancing. It's got a very basic flight computer. I've hacked in, slaved the Tardis. Where it goes, we go." the Doctor says to her.

"And that's safe, is it?" Rose asks hesitant to find out the answer.

"Totally." the Doctor answers her and I snort at his remark.

A bang came from the Tardis and I quickly ran to the center. "Nothing is ever safe when he is around Rose, you should know that by now." I point out to her and try to help the Doctor with the Tardis.

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