Book 1: Chapter 12

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Hey, i finally got to finish half of Planet of the Ood, so here is the first half, i hope to have the second half up tomorrow, or later today, depends. Review and suggest any epiosde you want me to do and i can see if i can. Enjoy


I woke up to someone yelling in the library "But Donna, she is never gone for more than a few days, and it's already been a few days, so she has to be here somewhere!" Ten says or more like yells to Donna making me groan and try and snuggle more into the couch.

"Well maybe she doesn't want to be found" I hear Donna suggesting.

"Why would she not want to be found! I am an amazing person to want to be around." the Doctor whines at her.

"Yea, well where haven't you checked yet?" she asks him.

"Uh, I haven't checked, the uh….oh I know, the library, but I doubt she is in there" the Doctor tells her.

'oh how you are so wrong Doctor' I think to myself.

"Well you won't know unless you look, so go look" she tells him and I hear the door of the library open.

"See, she isn't here, I can't see her anywhere." he says and goes to go out when Donna stops him from leaving.

"No, you just glanced around, who says she isn't up on a higher level, or even on the sofa" she scolds him.

"You are one terrible partner to her if you always brush her off like this, no wonder you get hit by her a lot." she tells him.

"Fine, I will find her because she might be anywhere it's not like she is on the sofa, she never goes on the sofa, unless I am there as well" he says and I hear his footsteps and then I notice his shadow covering me, but his back is faced to me.

"So I will simple just do this, because I know for a fact, that she would never, ever, sleep or be on the sofa without me." he says and leans back landing on me and making me grunt.

"Ouch, you jerk, get off of me, and let me sleep!" I yell and him grumpily and push him off me and he looks at me with wide eyes.

"W…what? What? what? But you never…you've never….what?" he start to say but I cover his mouth.

"Shut-up you are disturbing the peace" I mumble at him and quickly bring my hand away from his mouth because he licked it.

"You licked my hand!? Gross" I tell him and wipe my hand on his suit.

"See, I told you that she would be in here, but do you ever listen to anyone…no" Donna rambles and I quickly get up and walk over to her.

"Donna Noble it is my greatest pleasure to meet you for the first time, but not the last. Now what did you two just do?" I ask her

"Pompeii" the Doctor says without emotion.

"Oh, uh so how about an alien planet next?" I ask and the Doctor nods.

"Great idea." he says rushing us to the console room.

"Wait, at least let me change!" I yell at him and he stops then looks at my outfit and nods.

"Yea, you go change I will set us to go somewhere random." he tells me and I roll my eyes at his childishness.


I was humming 'Check Yes Juliet' by We The Kings as I was looking in the closet in my room, the Tardis seemed to give me a few outfits to pick from, since it was going to be cold. I decided on dark blue skinny jeans, a avenger shirt, a very warm jacket, and boots to top it off.

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