Book 1: Chapter 2

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Hello and thanks for all the review I got even if it was only a few, it still means something, now this is Shakespeare's Code and is in two parts because i wanted it to be in two parts. Also I didn't put a disclaimer in the first chapter but here it is in the second chapter. I don't own anything besides my OC Harmony Turner. Now on with the story.


"Oh, Doctor, Doctor, I think she is waking up" I heard someone say while slowly opening my eyes.

"Ouch, what happened" I muttered slowly blinking my eyes trying to adjust to the new lighting.

"I don't know, you tell me you are the one who appeared unconscious right as you got here, what did you just do?" I heard another voice, which caused me to jerk up and look at who was talking.

"So, definitely not a dream," I groaned and laid back down, closing my eyes again.

"What do you mean dream, Doctor what does she mean?" the woman spoke again.

"Hush, Harmony how many times have you met me?" the Doctor asked me quietly, and stroked my cheek.

"Um, by meet this version of you, this is the first time, and the second time meeting you actully, but that was in your future." I said opening my eyes to look at him.

"Well then, this is normal for you being early in your timeline" he said out loud.

"By normal you mean I am constantly going to pass out each time I move to another part of your time line?" I said sitting up slowly with help from Martha.

"Yes, exactly that, now I was just going to give Martha a quick trip in the TARDIS, and one trip only. Outside that door, is a brave new world." the Doctor said.

"Wait brave new….oh now I know where we are, you go do that, I'm going to go change into something more acceptable for this time period." I said to him and started to walk away. "Um, actully where is the wardrobe?" I turned and asked the Doctor.

"Just ask the TARDIS to lead you there, since she always listens to you for some reason" the Doctor told me as they walked out the door.

"Right, ask the TARDIS, so what do you say Sexy are you gonna help me out and show me where the wardrobe is?" I asked the ceiling.


As soon as I was finished changing I ran out of the Tardis in a Tardis blue dress that fit the time period, and went looking for the Doctor and Martha.

"Oh, but hold on. Am I all right? I'm not going to get carted off as a slave, am i?" I heard Martha say.

"Why would they do that?" the Doctor replied as I walked up to them.

"Not exactly white, in case you haven't noticed." Martha said to him gesturing at herself

"Oi, quit being rude, Rude-boy" I say as I hit the back of his head.

"I'm not even human. Just walk like you own the place works for me and Harmony every time. Besides, you'd be surprised Elizabethan England, not so different from your time. Look over there. They've got recycling. Rude-boy?" the Doctor says while turning to me and pointing to a man shoveling manure into a bucket. "What makes you say that? "

"Well you're being rude and you are a boy basically, so hence the name Rude-boy, it's better than calling you something like Sandshoes, or foxy, it sounds right. Also water cooler moment" I said to them, pointing to two men talking at a water barrel.

"And the world will be consumed by flame." a preacher yells to some people

"Global warming. Oh, yes, and entertainment. Popular entertainment for the masses. If I'm right, we're just down the river by Southwark, right next to.." he trails off.

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