Book 1: Chapter 5

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A/N: This is kinda slow, and i really wanted to do the Wedding of River Song before doing the Impossible Astronaut and the Day of the Moon, just because i want my character to be backwards. So this is in two parts also and not as long, but i do have AP Environmental Science homework to do and wanted to get at least half of it done and posted before studying for my Monday test. Hope you enjoy and please review it really helps persuade me to write more, also leave a suggestion as to what Harmony should do next, i was thinking of doing Robots of Sherwood but i don't know. Enough of my rambling, enjoy the story


As soon as I woke up, I realized that I was still in my bed, but the Doctor was gone. I instantly sat up and looked around, then went and changed into clothing that would work for whatever I was doing for today. The Tardis chose what to wear and decided on jeans, and running shoes, with a light blue t-shirt.

I decided that I was hungry and wanted to find the Doctor, so I went to find the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen I saw that the Doctor was there making food.

"You're actully cooking?" I ask him astonished making him jump and turn around, he was wearing this ridiculous apron. "And I didn't know that you were trying to make a fashion statement, just to let you know, I don't think it's going to become big, that apron does not fit you."

He sticks his tongue out at me and I stick mine back out in retaliation.

"So what are you making, or are you trying to make something?" I question him.

"I am making pancakes" he states like he is proud of himself.

"Right, and the mess, are you going to clean it up after your done making pancakes?" I ask him gesturing to the mess he made.

"I will, eventually. now sit down and eat" he says and places the pancakes in front of me.

"You're not going to poison me, right?" I ask him lightly poking the pancakes. " I mean, like nothing bad will happen if I eat them, like it's just normal Earth pancakes, not some alien type of pancakes?"

He rolls his eyes, "No, I wouldn't poison you, wouldn't dream of poisoning you, I do need you here, you are rather helpful."

"Wow, feeling the love, I am more to that then just being helpful. " I tell him and slowly take a bite of my pancakes.

"Yea, yea, much more, but let's not talk about that, you need to eat, at least before you get whisked away to somewhere else." he states and sits on the other side of the table and watches me eat.

"Are you going to eat or stare at me eat?" I ask him after taking another bite.

"Yea, I will later, not hungry now, you're the one that needs to eat." he tells me.

"Fine, fine, I'm eating no need to be rude, Rude-boy" I mutter and smile while eating more.


After I had finished eating, the Doctor and me went into the console room, and I was about to ask something when my hands started to glow. "Doctor, it seems I'm leaving, do you even know what this stuff is that is making me leave?" I ask him hoping he would know.

He gives me a sad smile, "I wish I knew, but I don't, now be good and don't get into trouble."

"Ha, me not get into trouble, it's you who needs to be kept out of trouble" I yell as everything around me changes and I close my eyes.


When I open my eyes I see Amy in front of me and the TV is playing in the background, as well as the doctor looking horrible with a beard and really long hair.

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