Book 1: Chapter 4

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Hey, so i thought to just do a bit of a thing about what's going on and how she is going to take all of this, especailly with Dylan, who is her best friend and how he reacts, along with her brother, which may be a later chapter i don't know yet, and comment on which episode i should do next, i was thinking about 11 again, maybe with Amy and Rory. Tell me what you think and could we maybe get a few more reviews before I upload again, maybe 4 more? My disclaimer is on my 2nd chapter


After we had left Shakespeare's time I changed back into what I was wearing before. After that Martha decided she wanted to go to bed. Since we were now in the void I decided to ask the Doctor about what was going on. "Okay now that that is done with, tell me what the hell is going on, you couldn't explain to me what was going on before, but now you are going to" I said turning to the Doctor.

He looked at me and sighed, "I don't know exactly how you got here, the only way I can figure out was you slipped through a crack or something brought you here." he tells me and reaches for my hand.

I let him and intertwine our fingers and his thumb strokes the back of my hand, "A crack, but I walked through a door, probably should avoid glowing doors from now on though" I joke as he frowns.

"You probably should, at least for now" he tells me then let's go of my hand to fiddle with the Tardis.

"Okay, you are going to tell me what is wrong. I am not going to be left out of the loop because you think it is best for me or that I am too early. " I tell him angrily making him turn to look at me, but doesn't respond.

"Because, there is a reason why but I can't tell you because you aren't ready yet." he tell me and moves to grab both of my hands.

"Why is it so hard that you can't tell me now rather than wait, I hate waiting it tends to take forever and I just can't sit still for a long period of time, just ask Dylan…." I trail off then realize something "Oh my gosh I forgot about Dylan, oh he must be worried" I say out loud and grabbed my phone out of my pocket causing Dylan's sonic screwdriver to fall out as well making a clank as it landed on the floor of the Tardis.

This caught the Doctor's attention and he quickly grabbed it and held it out. "But, I mean I knew you always had a sonic, but where did you get it?" he asked looking at me.

I look up from my phone and see him holding the sonic screwdriver, "That's Dylan's and he wanted me to hold it because he didn't want to lose it at the Convention Center and since I didn't need to use the restroom he wanted me to hold it, It's just a toy anyway, not real just plastic" I tell him reaching for it but once I took it from him I felt how it didn't feel like plastic anymore.

"But, how? When did it…? How did it…? I swear it was just plastic the last time I checked." I tell him looking at him with wide eyes.

"Well, it could have been, who knows, I certainly don't, but that doesn't matter, let me see your phone" he tells me waving it off and reaching for my phone.

I hold my phone away from his grip, "Why, you're not going to break it are you?" I ask him wearily of his hand. "Because you tend to break things very easily"

"No, I'm just going to make it so that you can use it where ever you are, with no hassle" he tells me and grabs it and uses his sonic to do whatever he was doing to it.

Once he handed it back to me I looked at him and he gestured for me to see if it works, so I turned it on and it did, it also read that I had like a lot of missed calls, texts, and other notifications. "Wow I feel loved , now let's see what they all say…" I trailed off and started to look at the texts.

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