Book 1: Chapter 24

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The Doctor was flipping switches and pressing buttons until he finally flipped up a lever and grinning at his success.

“There we go…perfect landing, which isn’t easy in such a tight spot” the Doctor says stretching the back of his head and I roll my eyes.

“You should be used to tight spots by now. Where are we?” Martha says letting go of the console and brushing her hands off then grinning.

“The end of the line.” the Doctor says with an expressionless face making Martha grin and rush towards the doors.

“No place like it.” the Doctor continues and Martha looks at him, questioning if she should open the doors. He nods and she goes outside only to be disappointed in the destination.

“Home. You took me home?” Martha says disappointed and somewhat angry with him and I just put my hands up in surrender mouthing ‘Not my idea’ to her.

“In fact, the morning after we left, so you’ve only been gone about 12 hours. No time at all, really.”

The Doctor says and begins looking about at her photos.

“But all the stuff we’ve done—Shakespeare, New New York, old New York?” Martha says with a open mouth, not happy about him dropping her off.

“Yep, all in one night—relatively speaking. Everything should be just as it was—books, CDs” the Doctor starts and picks up underwear drying on a rack “laundry.” he says and Martha snags the offending lingerie from his fingertips.

“So, back were you were, as we promised.” the Doctor says and I shake my head.

“I promised  no such thing” I tell him placing my hands on my hips.

“This is it?” Martha says with a disbelief look on her face.

 The Doctor inhales deeply “Yeah, we should probably…um…”  he says taking my hand in his, his eyes wide but before he could finish Martha’s phone rings and the answering machine picks up.

‘Hi! I’m out! Leave a message!’

“I’m sorry.” Martha says apologetically making me bite my lip trying not to laugh.

The machine beeps before Francine’s message

‘Martha, are you there? Pick it up, will you?’ Francine, Martha’s mother says on the other line.

“It’s Mum. It’ll wait.” Martha says nodding and the Doctor nods as well. I snicker at her wanting to avoid her mother but make it seem like a cough.

‘All right then, pretend that you’re out if you like. I was only calling to say that your sister’s on TV. On the news of all things. Just thought you might be interested.’ her mother says.

Martha picks up the remote control and turns on the TV. We hear the voice of Professor  Lazarus before we see him. “The details are top secret—“

“How could Tish end up on the news?” Martha says confused as we turn to look at the TV.

On the TV screen we see Prof Lazarus--who looks to be in his late 70s—holding a press conference. Tish is standing behind him.

“Tonight, I will demonstrate a device…”

“She’s got a new job. PR for some research lab.” Martha still somewhat confused as to why she was on the TV.

“…with the push of a single button, I will change what it means to be human.”

Martha switches off the TV. “Sorry. You were saying we should--?” Martha starts to say looking back at the Doctor.

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