Book 1: Chapter 32

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Okay so here is just another chapter, it involves Lancelot and deals with some problems, not much...well sort of not really. Anyway enjoy, if there is a certain episode you would like tell me and I will see if I can do it, also if there are any mistakes tell me and i will fix it.


"Okay Amy, let's get baking!" I say as I enter the kitchen only to get a weird look from Amy. "What I enjoy baking, I can't really cook but I can bake" I tell her and she shakes her head.

"It's not that, it's just, what are you wearing?" she asks me and I look down at my clothes.

"Tardis wouldn't let me wear anything else, every time I reached for jeans this would move in its place, why I have no idea, enough of my outfit shall we bake?" I ask her and hold out my arm jokingly.

"Of course we shall bake" she says looping her arm through mine and we go to get what we need.

"Okay we have flour, butter, sugar, salt, and vanilla extract, that is everything we need, now to make it into cookie batter." I say getting out measuring cups, bowls, and everything else we needed.

"Amy, can you put the butter in a large cooking bowl and add the sugar. Cream it together with a fork until you get a smooth texture, then you can add the vanilla extract" I tell her as i get a pan out to put the cookies on later.

"Got it, now what?" she asks me.

"We have to add the flour in and a pinch of salt, so hand me the flower and that thingy with all the little holes in it cause if I remember you have to sift it or something like that" I tell her and she hands it to me and I hold it over the bowl with the butter and sugar while she pours the flour in the thingy and I sift it through.

"Great, now just to find cookie cutters and we can make shapes" I say and move around to find the cookie cutters only to see them on the top shelf and reach for them only to feel someone come behind me and grab them handing them to me. "Thanks" I say turning around only to see the Doctor with a frown on his face.

"What are you doing?" he asks me gesturing toward the kitchen.

"Uh, baking, you can join me and Amy if you'd like, we were just going to make shapes and bake the cookies" I tell him and go over to Amy only for the Doctor to grab my left and turn me to face him then inspecting my hand.

"Where is your ring?" he asks me and I swat him away.

"Couldn't have cookie dough getting on them now could I?" I ask him and go to lay out the cookie cutters.

"What are you wearing, and why are you wearing it?" he asks interrupting me and Amy as we were making shapes out of the cookie dough.

I grit my teeth in annoyance "It was what the Tardis made me wear, I couldn't grab anything else, she wouldn't let me" I tell him and his eyebrows furrow as if trying to remember something. "If you keep frowning you will get frown lines" I tease at him and he snaps figuring out whatever he was trying to figure out.

"You have your phone, right?" he asks me and I roll my eyes while I roll out some more dough.

"Yes, it's in the pouch around my waist as well as my sonic and physic paper" I tell him. "Why are you asking me all these questions, is something going to happen?" I ask him panicking and turning to face him.

"No, no, no, nothing will happen" he says avoiding eye contact with me.

"You're lying, why are you lying, is it something bad, like really bad, because nothing can really beat this" I tell him wiping my hands on my dress as I put the cookies in the oven.

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