Memory loss

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Riley still laid there, lifeless on her hospital bed as she showed no signs of waking up. Adrian had refused to leave, wanting to be here when Riley woke up. Noah was progressing steadily, being a normal, happy baby.

Before long, my hand that held Rileys own was touched. Riley was moving her hand only slightly. I saw that her rings had been removed due to the surgery. I looked up, seeing my beautiful wife opening her eyes, scanning the environment.

"W-Where am I?" She asked, confused. This alerted Adrian and the rest of my family.

The next 3 words shocked me to my core, scaring me.

"Who are you?" Riley asked, taking her hand away from mine.

"What? Riley it's me Jack" I spoke, confused. As I looked at her with shock and sadness, the doctor walked in, seeing Riley awake.

"Ah. You're awake Riley" The doctor said, smiling.

"C-Can I speak to you please?" I asked, on the brink of tears.

We walked outside, the door shutting behind us.

"I'm guessing your wife has amnesia?" The doctor asked.

"Yes. She doesn't remember me. She looked at me with a scared face and she pulled away from me. Why is this happening?" I asked, confused.

"It seems that her fall from the stairs, her head injury, caused her brain to lose her memory...which means that she might not be able to remember places, faces, things that she was once familiar with. This unfortunately includes you and your children in the list of things she might not remember. All you should do is show her things or try and remind her of things in her daily life, but doing this too much could overload her brain, causing further damage." The doctor said, handing me Riley's medical sheet. I read it, terrified of the things she was diagnosed with.

I walked back into the room, seeing Adrian trying to talk to Riley.

" about we leave your mommy alone?" I asked, whispering to Adrian. She walked away sad.
Jack was allowed to take Riley and his newborn home. Riley hadn't said much, but Jack had a plan.

"So, Riley, my name is Jack." Jack spoke, holding out his hand for Riley to shake. She shook it reluctantly.

Walking inside their home, he put Noah down for a nap and let Adrian play in her room. Watching as Riley hesitantly looked around the house, unfamiliar with everything, it really hurt Jack.

"Want anything to eat Riley?" He asked, slightly smiling. She looked nervous. Nodding, she walked over to what seemed like the kitchen.

I watched as this man, Jack, walked into the kitchen, wearing a wedding ring on his finger.

"Your wife must be really special to have you as her husband..." I spoke, smiling. He seemed sad before cheering up again when a little girl ran into the room.

"Daddy! Noah is awake and I'm hungry!!" The girl said, alerting Jack.

"Do you mind?" He asked me, wanting permission. I nodded, heading upstairs as I followed the sound of a baby crying, until I found the little baby.

"Shh..." I said, calming the boy down. His eyes opened and looked up at me, slightly smiling while his hand went to my chin. I felt a sudden warmth.

After a few minutes, Jack walked back into the room, smiling when he saw me holding his son. I handed the boy over to Jack and looked around the room, looking at his wife's decorations. I looked down at the dresser. On it I saw a wedding ring and an engagement ring.

"Do these belong to your wife?" I asked, looking over at Jack as he placed his son into the crib.

"Yes...they do." Jack said, hesitating. I noticed his hesitation. He looked down at my ring finger, before walking away.

"Were is my daughter?" Kelly asked confused.

"Kelly, she's upstairs...but she has no memory." I said, stopping her. I watched as Riley walked downstairs, looking at Kelly.

"Riley, this is my mother-in-law Kelly. Kelly, this is my...friend, Riley." I said, introducing the two.

This is gonna be a while.

I smiled watching as my wife with amnesia 'met' her mom for the first time.

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