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Making their way home fast, Riley and Jack put Adrian down for a nap as soon as they arrived. Riley's mother walked in, confused as to why they were home so early.

"'s Vikki...she's back..." Riley spoke just as her mom felt angry.

Vikki Darnau is one tough cookie. She believes that every couple should wait to have a baby or even have sex till after marriage. She doesn't approve of same sex marriages explaining that god made men to love women and women to love men. She basically disowned Kelly, telling her that "your love for your fiancé will never last". Kelly disassociated herself from her mother, adopting the name last name Harper to escape. Her mother was a real wicked witch, only finding joy in others pain, kinda like Sue Sylvester from Glee, a show Kelly enjoyed.

Riley watched as her mothers face went from confused to drained of emotions.

"Why is she here?!" Kelly asked, getting angry.

"It's kinda my fault..." Jack said, stepping up.

"What do you mean Jack?" Kelly spoke, confused.

"I kinda ran into her. I was taking Adrian out trick or treating, when she stopped me, not knowing who I was. She assumed that Adrian was my sister, but I corrected her, telling her that Adrian was my daughter." Jack began, sighing. "She then went on to shame me about my life with a child, saying she felt sorry for the girl I was raising Adrian with. When I told her that Riley was my girlfriend and Adrian's mother, she freaked out..." Jack admitted, rubbing the back of his head.

"Thank you for your honesty Jack..." Kelly spoke, smiling. Knowing that her mother was probably on her way, Kelly hurried Jack upstairs, leaving Riley just standing there.

Kelly heard knock on the door, opening it to see her mother standing there.

"Vikki..." My mom spoke, letting her mother in.

"Kelly..." She replied, her voice empty.

" had a baby..." Vikki spoke, focusing her gaze on me.

"Y-Yes..." I said, my voice broken. Vikki walked over to me, looking me up and down.

"Maybe try and lose some baby weight..." She said, walking around me. I looked at her in shock. How dare she...

"With all due respect...what the hell are you doing here?" My mom spoke, breaking the silence that enveloped the room.

"Well...I was coming into town to visit some friends, but Riley's...partner informed me that she had a baby...and know how I feel about that..." Vikki said, directing her anger at my mom before directing it at me. I was about to interject and bite back, but my mother stopped me.

" know how we feel about you being here. We ask that you leave..." My mom said, pointing to the front door.

"And leave you to let my granddaughter ruin her life even more...not a chance..." Vikki said, standing her ground.

"Vikki...leave." My mother said, her voice becoming stern.

"No. You let your daughter have sex before marriage! You allowed her to keep the baby! I will not leave knowing that you'll let her ruin her life more!" Vikki spoke, obviously trying to remain the alpha in the situation.

"Look...we don't want your negative attitudes and old as hell morals and beliefs around here! I will not let you stay!" I said, pushing my mother behind me, getting involved.

"You better consider your next few words carefully young lady!" Vikki spoke.

"...and you better leave before your ass gets kicked." I said. I know she's my grandma, but she's a real bitch.

"Listen here. You may think your words threaten me...but you're wrong!" Vikki said, grabbing my arm.

"Your words don't affect me. I've heard better threats from girls at my school..." I said, staring my grandmother down. I hated doing this, but I needed her to know that she wasn't the alpha...I was. I wasn't afraid of using physical intimidation.

"How dare you let your daughter talk to me like this!" She said, then directing her anger at my mom.

"My daughter is standing up for herself. Something you never let me do." My mother said, getting defensive.

" need to control her! Now!" Vikki spoke, getting angry.

"You lost your right to boss me around the day you disowned me!" My mom said, stopping the entire room.

"You were a lost cause...letting your fiancé ruin your life! I didn't want a failure in my life!" Vikki said, her voice angry.

"I'm not a failure mom! Look at me! I have two amazing kids and a granddaughter! I couldn't be happier with my life!" My mom said, a tear slipping down her cheek.

"I knew your ex-husband wasn't a good fit for you! I warned you! I told you countless times to leave him! I knew he would break your heart!" Vikki spoke, pointing to her chest, her voice broken and empty.

"That's the thing was never Craig that you hated. It was what he did to me that you hated." My mom said, her path of exposition not stopping.

"Wait...what? What are you talking about?" I asked, now really confused. What did my dad do that made my grandmother hate him?

"Your grandmother didn't disown me because of my relationship with Craig. She disowned me because Craig got me pregnant." My mother revealed.

"W-What? You and dad were young parents...just like me and Jack?" I asked, confusion growing in my brain.

"Yes. Craig got me pregnant with your brother Thomas. We married shortly after we found out. Your grandmother hated Craig because of what happened, basically cutting me out of her life."

"I had a straightforward plan for your mother Riley...but she let her stupid boyfriend ruin it for her...and now...look where she is. A divorced woman, mother of 2, grandmother to a baby girl. This was the life I always feared her having." Vikki said.

A tear slip down my cheek. "Out." I said, facing Vikki. "What?" She asked, confused at my sudden feeling. "OUT!" I shouted, scaring Vikki before she walked out the front door, shutting the door behind her. I locked it, making sure she couldn't get back in.

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