Adrian's birthday

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Both Riley and Jack couldn't believe that their baby girl was turning 3. Everything was planned.
"Morning birthday girl!" I spoke as I held Adrian in my arms. She hugged me giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"How is my beautiful fiancé and daughter?" Jack asked, walking up to me. It had been nearly a month since Jack proposed to me.

"We're both fine. Adrian slept like an angel last night. I barely had to get up." I spoke, kissing Adrian's cheek like she kissed mine.

"Well. Everything is set up. I'll take Adrian while you get the cake finished." I said, getting Adrian into the lounge room. Adrian had not yet seen anything to do with her birthday. Jack got ready, leaving me to text Casey while she and Thomas got a last minute gift from them.

As Adrian ate some food, the doorbell rang, causing Jack to walk over and open the door.

"Mom!" He said, hugging her.

"Where is my adorable granddaughter?" His mom asked, walking in and seeing Adrian eat. She gave me a nice comforting hug before turning her attention to Adrian. She picked Adrian up, smiling as Adrian gave her a kiss.

"I have a gift for her." She spoke, holding the bag. I took the bag from her, placing it on the nearly empty table that had yet to be filled. Jack grabbed a few gifts, putting them next to the one his mother brought while his mother took Adrian outside.

"The rest of the guests should be here in about an hour..." Jack spoke, wrapping is arms around me. I smiled before kissing him.

"Jack...remember that today is Adrian's day. Lets wait until tomorrow." I said, giggling as Jack kissed my neck.
Before long, everyone who was invited, showed up. The presents for Adrian were placed on the table and many people looked around in awe at the decorations set up.

"Happy birthday dear Adrian, happy birthday to you!" We all shouted happily, watching as Adrian blew out her candles. We ate cake and unwrapped presents, while my mom, the 'designated' photographer took various photos of the amazing day. "Come here baby girl..." I said, as Jack placed her feet on the floor. She held her position for a few seconds before she took 2 steps. I clapped, smiling as she made her way over to me.
Sooner or later, everyone who was once in the house, had left, leaving Jack, Adrian and I to relax on the couch watching Adrian's favourite show. Jack was on his phone, posting pictures of today's events, while I played with Adrian, passing her toys and other things she could play with.

"Jack?" I asked, snapping Jack's attention from his phone.

"What's up babe?" He asked, confused.

"Remember when you where kissing my neck and you stopped because I said you couldn't and we had to wait?" I asked.

"I kissed your neck because I realised we have a beautiful 3 year old daughter who has gone through so much. I want to have another baby. I want Adrian to have someone else in her life besides her parents and her other family. I want her to have a sibling she can look after and grow up with..." Jack admitted, kissing me.

I loved the idea of Jack wanting other kid...and sure enough...we will one day in the near future. I mean, Adrian is nearly old enough now.

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