two | ❝we won't hesitate, b*tch❞

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dumbledore's army 😜

mione: y/n's alive guys, she
just didn't have her phone 😐

weasel: she blew it up like
a ✨ dumbass ✨

dean: i love that for her

parvati: how is she? is she doing
well mentally/emotionally ?...

mione: i didn't get a chance to
ask ,, she's with harry right now

padma: not you leaving
them unsupervised-

hermione is offline


weasel: they're just talking,pleaseeeee

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weasel: they're just talking,

dean: i mean if my boyfriend
had a glow up like that- 😜

seamus: DEAN

dean: jkjkjkjkjkjk

parvati: yeah i don't trust harry
around my y/n so you better bust
that door open before she becomes
a rita skeeter scandal article 🤚🏽

weasel: fuck rita skeeter,, me
and my homies hate rita 💔

manicpixiedreamgirl is online

luna: what are you thinking
y/n & harry are doing? i am
positive they are just crying
together or something

hermione is online

mione: loony was half right

mione: LUNA**

seamus: oop-

weasel: fred & george bought
her a new phone & she's proper
emotional now 🥺

padma: that phone better
be indestructible istg 😭

y/n is online

y/n: hey... how y'all doin?

dean: we missed you
bitchass 💔

parvati: everyone was
worried 💔

luna: or maybe the distance
she created was a good decision
for her

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