twenty-eight | ❝midnight memories❞

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y/n's army

mione: y/n & harry just ran
away but are we surprised?

dean: pls i love that for them

padma: old bus dumb old
door doesn't though 🧍🏽‍♀️

parvati: he was like "where's
harry?" "is harry safe?" 🧍🏽‍♀️

parvati: and i was like what about
the others? they aren't even here
... they're a hallucination 🧍🏽‍♀️

neville: wait where are you
and ron right now, mione?
it's almost midnight ...

mione: rah, that's a proper
mad question that,,,,

weasel: we're in a mcdonald's
a few miles away from hogsmeade :)

ginny: awhhh brother finally
got a date with his crush ☺️

weasel: me? crush? 😀

weasel: no. not me. 😀

seamus: PHAJAHA



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luna: oh well that is most
unfortunate for ron

cho: she doesn't mean that
guys , she's laughing her
fucking ass off 😭

weasel: LUNAAAAAA :(

luna: tee hee <3

dean: damn sucks to be ron
i guess , i hope harry & y/n
are having a better time than
you two 💀

"remember that time sirius literally died?"

you inhaled sharply, your lips pursing as you turned to see harry glaring at the midnight sky, his tense face softly illuminated by the orange glow of the street lamps a few metres away. 

potter had been silent up until now, the two of you lounging together on the trimmed grass of the empty regent's park. you shifted putting your weight on your arm and held your head in your hand to get a full view of him.

"harry, love..." you whispered, "yes... i do remember."

he sighed a long sigh as he brought his hands over his eyes, his round glasses bumping up towards his dark fringe.

"i literally just got sirius back and that freaking tim burton looking ass poo head had to ruin it," he groaned, "am i cursed or something? anyone who has ever been close to me has died and it's all my fault? like what the fuck!?"

his volume gradually raised with ranting, his hands balling into fists as he let it all out.

"my parents died because of me, cedric died because of me, now sirius? what did i do to deserve this? is it because i'm a bad bitch with a fucking scar? am i just a bad person?" harry continued frustrated, "y/n, i don't get! what if the army is next? or hermione and ron? or you! if you got hurt i wouldn't be able to deal with that!"

you let him calm down for a moment. harry uncovered his face and took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling as he attempted to compose himself.

"anyways, that was embarrassing el oh el."

"harry, if you need to scream at moon i'll scream at it with you, okay?" you said, "it's way better than choosing violence like me and hiding your feelings like a dickhead... also like me."

potter raised himself up on his elbows and turned to you, his blue eyes finally meeting your e/c ones as a small smile developed on his features.

"look at you being all supportive and shit," he whispered, "but i'm choosing violence lol. just promise me we're gonna beat the shit out bella if she ever comes back into our ends."

"oh, definitely," you agreed. "we'll do it for sirius and my father - the only old dudes i ever respected."

harry chuckled, his voice deep and quiet as his head fell back with a lazy grin. you admired him shamelessly glad that harry was still able to enjoy himself.

he looked up at you his grin remaining and body moving close. "don't look at me like that..."

you rolled your eyes and mirrored his movements. "you amaze me."

99+ notifications !

"nope, ignore it."

"what- oh! okay then, potter."

harry pulled you down into his arms, your head colliding with his chest as he not-so-sneakily took your phone out your back pocket and wrapped his arms tight around your waist.

"give it back, dumbass."

"hmm? give what back?"

"i literally felt my phone sliding out my butt pocket, harry."

"shhhhhh," he hushed, "just let us be together in silence until someone dickhead ruins the moment- oh my fucking god, albus seriously?"

your annoyed headteacher apparated in front of you with an exhausted mcgonagall behind him, the witch giving you an apologetic smile before the two grabbed you and apparated you all back to the school.

and as this was happening, a confused jogger stared at the scene in shock, his mouth agape as he witnessed two old people magically kidnap two teenagers.

he nodded to himself and kept running, the poor muggle turning up the volume on his headphones so the sweet sweet tunes of one direction's 'midnight memories' could keep him sane.

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