❝90k special❞

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summary — the army prepares a goodbye gav for harry since he's had a shit year and minnie & thalia are shit stirrers <3
warnings ignore the @ 89.1k views right now, we need some more funny shit
before the finale :)

harry<3: y/n what on
earth did you? 😐

y/n: i do a lot of things
so you'll have to be more
specific <3

harry<3: your mum & albus
have been arguing for about
20 minutes... it's kinda funny-

harry<3: if only i could share
this info with our friends- BUT

y/n: lol yeah

harry<3: & you did this
for what???

y/n: why not??? 🙄

harry<3: why though??
are you mad at me?? is it
because i borrowed your
eyeliner and lost it 🙄

y/n: u wot mate?

harry<3: don't worry love,
can you please just add me
back in? :)

harry<3: mmm this is the
opposite of brilliant >:(

y/n's army


ginny: just vote him
out lol

cho: nooo it's fine,, we've
got like 60% of the plan
sorted out!

dean: we wanted to wait for
the head bitch to come back
before we continued  ☺️

draco: did somebody say
draco malfoy? ;)

padma: oh,,, dragon malloy
is still here 🙄

draco: soooooo

draco: you guys are organising
another sleepover???

padma: yes. now kindly get the
fuck out before i make you 💔

parvati: tell him.

y/n: draco this thing is for harry
after all that bullshit your dad and
his crazy bitches pulled at the

y/n: you're not coming over
and hagrid doesn't want you
there anyway <3

mione: what do draco's
parents and the staff have
in common? :)

draco: ....what?

mione: none of them
want him around.

weasel: the gasp i just let out-

dean: she chose violence
and i'm here for it 😍

luna: stopppp,, it's not
funny 😖

cho: luna is literally cackling
guys,, she can't lie for shitttttt

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