twenty-seven | ❝london underground❞

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voldemort fucking sucks

y/n: ugh i missed the craziness
of public transportation in
london 😩

weasel: nonono this is
madness,, how do muggles
handle this much stress ? 😭

y/n: they drink unholy amounts
of coffee, talk shit about boris,
& listen to capital fm 😩

y/n: or even better,, they don't
handle the stress at all >:)

mione: why are you texting rn?
we're literally sat together guys

y/n: uhm because harry's
sleeping rn and i don't want
to wake him herman <3

y/n: & also we're surrounded by
muggles & if my mum found out
i had to obliviate someone again
she'll make me live with the lord
of the flies cousins >:(

mione: oop my bad </3

mione: ginny just texted me,,
her and the others are already on
the train back to scotland but
we're still in london,,,, yay 😀

y/n: hey! if my boyfriend wants
to see a musical, we are going
to see a fucking musical 🙄

weasel: yeah, you can't tell me
you didn't enjoy seeing 'green lady
and pink lady slow burn that ends
in angst' the musical mione? 🙄

mione: why can't you just say
wicked? the name is wicked

weasel: forgot the title lol

mione: i still think it was a
waste of time...

y/n: well it made harry smile
for a while so it's worth it.

y/n: i'm not soft 🙄

weasel: awhh but the way harry's
literally wrapped around you like
a koala right now 🥺

weasel: when the train stops
he's going to fall and bring you
down with him 🤾🏼🕳

y/n: i'm one strong ass
bitch, we're not falling
anywhere <3

mione: you know y/n, that
could've been you, luna, cho
and i 🙃

weasel: herman said "drop
that motherf*cker"

y/n: uhm yes

y/n: cuddle sesh @ the
astronomy tower ? ‼️

mione: yes ma'am ‼️

harry is online

potter: just remembered
what happened today LMAO

potter: y/n hold me 😩

y/n: you're literally clinging
onto me already dumbass <3

potter: cheers love :)

potter: but oh no? y/n &
hermione? planning a date
in the moonlight?


y/n: stop acting like you, ron,dean and seamus didn't sneakout a few weeks ago to maccy's without me 🙄

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y/n: stop acting like you, ron,
dean and seamus didn't sneak
out a few weeks ago to maccy's
without me 🙄

weasel: our late night
mcdonald's adventure
has been exposed 🏃‍♂️

mione: ron i can't believe
you didn't tell me,, bit rude

weasel: you want to sneak
out to get chicken nuggets
with me??

mione: ...

mione: if you also buy me
a mcflurry i'll consider it

potter: how cute, y/n check
your other messages :)

potter: right now <3

y/n: if it's that video of
jessie j's weird singing
again i'll block you

potter: just look.

harry<3: can we get off the
train and just go somewhere?

harry<3: it's just that it's rlly
crowded in here & i feel like i'm
gonna have a rlly big fucking
emotional explosion 😋

harry<3: still deciding if i
wanna cry or go apeshit idk :)

harry<3: sorry if i'm being
annoying :)

y/n: do both, i'll support
you no matter what

y/n: at the next stop we'll
ditch hermit & tiny arthur &
fuck off to regent's park <3

y/n: it's rlly nice @ this time
of night,, we can just talk? or
sit in silence?

y/n: just let me know how
you're feeling hairy pothole <3



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