Episode 16: [Hero] 2/3

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Season One

Episode Sixteen:

| Hero |


Happy 2nd Anniversary to this book!!


Bewildered hearing his name called, Jisung faced the person who called out his name. To his surprise, it was the person he was looking for. The first thing that he noticed was the dry tear streams coating his cheeks along with his bloodshot eyes. With that, he had many questions running through his head.

Why was he crying?

Did someone hurt him?

How did he get those injuries?

"What are you doing here?"

Finally, Jisung snapped out of his thoughts. He saw him eyeing the pet carriage he was carrying. Oh right.

"I was looking for you," he confronted and extended his arms displaying the pet carriage in front of him. "I remember you had this beside you."

Eyes widen perhaps at the sudden realization that he had forgotten about his pet carriage being left behind.

"Oh thank you." He shows his gratitude with a small smile as he takes the pet carriage from Jisung with his uninjured arm. Then, setting the carrier on a nearby wooden bench. Although, that faint smile he had soon vanished, shifting back to its former frown. "What brings you to the hospital?" He questioned. 

"Oh, I'm visiting my halmeoni," Jisung answered, motioning his hands towards the hospital. "How about you?" 

Maybe he shouldn't have said that. 

Once he did, he quickly notices the tears streaming down his puffy cheeks.  Jisung panicked.

"A-are you perhaps lost? I could help you find your parents," Jisung stumbled with his words. He doesn't know what to do in this situation. The first thing that came into mind was that he was crying because maybe he lost his parents. 

He shook his head and wiped his tears off his face using his arm.  "There's no need. I already know where my parents are." 

That statement lifted some weight off Jisung's shoulder but still left him curious as to why he was crying. 

"Oh, then why are you crying if you don't mind me asking," Jisung gently pressed.

He looked up and meet his eyes, tears still pooling up, but the sight of his brown eyes, Jisung couldn't help but admire. Alluring as it is, his eyes were expressive, sparkling- maybe that's the tear's work- nevertheless, it also held sadness behind all of them.

A sniffle came from the boy that stood before him, before replying, "My parents are..." He cleared his throat, "they're... gone." 

Jisung felt his throat go dry and stood there in disbelief with his mouth agape. That was difficult to process. "Oh..." That's all he could say at the moment. "As in... they are?" Jisung did not want to push further, but he needed to know what he really meant by that statement.  

"Dead." He looked down at his feet and started sobbing once more. Finally accepting his parents' unkindly demise, their death. 

As if his body moved on its own, Jisung was hugging the crying boy. Arms wrapped around his neck, over his shoulders. He felt the boy flinch by the sudden action, nonetheless, wrapped his arm around Jisung's tiny waist. 

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